Oh dear, do we have that much space. People are my greatest interest. We are so complex and yet so fragile and so capable of so much in our short time. But I like sports, including Rugby, Cricket, golf, and The Olympic Games (Summer and Winter). I enjoy movies, books. Oh I do so like books. Old radio shows. Beer. Women. Liquor. Women. History. More Women Traveling (preferable with a woman), and did I mention cigars and women?
This is a tough one. I'd like to meet Ben Franklin. Just for what he is attributed to have done for our country and our city. I really like to meet Christopher Lee. He has always been such a brilliant actor. I am also a huge fan of Peter Cushing. For the same reasons as Lee. But since I am a journalist I may meet many of this generation's notables in due time.
Everything except that what is now considered rap and R&B.
What do you want to know about film?
I am such a fan of Sci-Fi, but it keeps me out of trouble. I watch so little television these days, but my friends know what I like.
See movies, repeat question replace the word "Film" with "books"
Too numerous to mention, but they know who they are.