zerou is Oscar I Johansson. this project started to take shape, the end of summer 2004. when my band (Ichabod) was on pause. Anders that I make most of my music with was gone, he went away to south america for a half year, so I started to make music by my self, started to record in my old band truckfighters studio, with mr. dango. did about 3 songs at first, let a few friends listen to it. they all enjoyd my music, so I decided to record a few moore, and 1 1/2 tears, hehe years later. I had recorded over 30 songs. had a few friends playing on some songs as well.
Go with God, the loop of Love Love true Love............]
my music is now under construction, soon to come up again so be patient.
best regards Oscar/zerou
and God bless you all, may his way shine so bright that you cant miss it. Love to you all and here you have a good piece to read from the holy Bible: Corinthians 13:13 or just read the whole chapter.
did a new recording yesterday, a new ep is on it´s way... this time I recorded live with my brother Tobias also Andreas and Tobias from Praise Unit... the record before I did almost all of the work my self, and what I know is that it´s physical impossible to play, drums, guitar, bas, tramp harmonica, vibraphone, piano, djembe, congas, synth, electronica and vocals at the same time. this time I wanted to have a moore live feeling so we recorded live and it sounds amazing, I´m so happy about this. will as soon as possible put up a song. Love to you all and God bless you, brothers and sisters
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