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Society Is Sick And We Are One Part Of It

About Me

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Summer party 1999, somewhere in Tuusula. Two grunge-heads and guitar players who had just met each other, Esa and Mikko, started talking about forming a band. Esa was and still is into Pearl Jam and especially Soundgarden gets his knees shaking. It is also from Soundgarden that Esa has adopted his style of tuning his half acoustic not-so-traditionally. Despite Soundgarden’s (and Esa’s) sometimes complex way of approach to rhythm, Esa has played (or, “performed”) in straightforward punk bands also. In addition to grunge, Mikko has also been listening to some heavier stuff, which might have had some effect in his style to grab his Les Paul. Before F32.10 Mikko has played only a couple of gigs. Juha, The drummer, joined in the turn of the millenium. Before he had played several styles from punk to britpop and his musical interest lies mainly in the British islands. These things might add a bit of a different view into band's style.. We got together and started to play Esa’s own grunge/progressive style songs. Odd rhytmic patterns and bizarre song structures.Years went by and a bass player and a singer were something that we all agreed we must get. Quite a few axe maniacs got to our rehearsals but not so many with the required enthusiasm (or, Esa’s way of writing songs might have something to do with to-be-bass players sucking their thumbs instead of whackin’ their instruments). Some stayed and played with us a few times but nothing very serious came out of it. One day in 2004 Esa’s friend’s friend, bass player Matti Stenvall came to hear us and didn’t say no at the first hear. Matti joined the band and we started to play more intensively. He had some own riffs and stuff to mess with. At this point Mikko too started to bring more of his ideas to F32.10. So from this point onwards, the songs were constructed more collectively and the style was moving into a more straightforward and maybe heavier also. Late in the year of 2004 we went to studio in Munkkiniemi to record our first demo cd. The result was something that had to be overplayed by the next demo. Anyway, now we had something in our hands to introduce ourselves to the singer candidates. After all, it wasn’t a one or two microphone fiends that had been joined our rehearsals in this respect. None of them were quite the one we thought we were looking for. But the answer to this problem was nearer than we thought.Besides himself, Mikko knew another clown from the arctic town of Kemi. New Helsinki citizen JP had a long background in playing around with strato in a Pirates cover band. Add to this, JP was also a Pearl Jam and Smashing Pumpins digger and had performed couple quite successful Pearl Jam cover gigs in vocals. So, JP visited our rehearsals (but did not joined the band) first in the beginning (around 2001-2002) when we weren’t still quite sure what we wanted to play. Couple of years later after hearing the first demo he obviously saw some potential and came to second thoughts. By that time stoner rock bands like Kyuss, Unida, Mannhai, Dozer, Honcho etc. had raised more and more interest in our minds and in JP’s mind also. So, from grunge to stoner, at least in the ‘listening to’ section.When JP came for the second time to experiment with our band (in 2005), there was another (female) vocalist to be recruited too, Katja. There was even a vision of two vocalists, which is a nice thing if it works out. Around that time we filmed our first music video for the band. It was from the track Girly Deathsquad, from the Munkkivuori sessions. After that Katja’s and our paths took different turns so the new official singer became JP. Intense training (well, once a week) led to performing a couple of gigs live in Helsinki. It was at that point when we had moved away some miles from the progressive style and the stoner influence could be heard much easier. JP adopted a more shouting-style-way of singing and the new demo cd was ready in December 2006. It has the tracks Hit by a Truck, fully written by JP, and Don’t Tell No Lies by the whole band. The songs were recorded in RedFive Studio, Vantaa by our producer Toni Kimpimäki and the sounds were very satisfactory as you can hear. The end result has gotten very much positive feedback. Short after that, our and Matti’s ways got separated and we had to find new man to do the bass job. We heard that a bloke called Mikko K. was now a “free agent” because of his band Baborb’s death. Originally he has been a guitarist but he got himself a Warwick and a Hartke and off we went again. Second time in RedFive Studio was in May 2007 and the results include one up-tempo rocker with Kyuss-outro and another quite moody track clocking over 6 minutes. They will be here soon for your enjoyment…

My Interests


Member Since: 10/28/2006
Band Members: Mikko K Bass, Juha Drums, Esa Guitar, J-P Vocals, Mikko H Guitar
Influences: Alternative/Stoner-influenced
Sounds Like: Girly Death Squad

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Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

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Stoners group

Stoners group
Posted by F32.10 on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 11:18:00 PST

Have a nice Midsummerday

Posted by F32.10 on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 12:05:00 PST

F32.10 studiossa

F32.10 raahaa isot ja pienet perseensä ReDFivE studioon jälleen 19 ja 20 toukokuuta. Tulossa on harvalle ja hyvin valitulle keikka yleisölle jo tuttua materiaalia.
Posted by F32.10 on Thu, 10 May 2007 12:08:00 PST


Posted by F32.10 on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 03:21:00 PST