Don't care, as long as they're famous. I could give you some suggestions though... Meryl Streep, Felicity Huffman, Marcia Cross, George Clooney, Julianne Moore...
Haha, me and music, well that's a good combination :s It takes me 3 weeks to learn the lyrics of a song, I never recognize a song until it's almost finished, and I'd be of no help at all if the pub quiz was on music... but I do like music... music just doesn't like me... I tend to like film music though, for example by Yann Tiersen, Thomas Newman and Philip Glass.
Oooo, films, I love films. I'd say any kind, but that's not completely true. No horror for me (except when we're having a film marathon, horror films are essential to marathons). Films I absolutely love, or at least like quite a lot are: The Hours, The Discovery of Heaven, Amelie, Moulin Rouge, Love Actually...
TV, something else I like, haha. I'm glad David's tv isn't in my room any more (or am I?), cause otherwise I would be in front of it 24/7. I'd even watch 'the flying gardener' if necessary. Series I like are: Six feet under, Sugar Rush, Desperate Housewives, Friends, Buffy, ER, Will & Grace, Angels in America, Sex in the City...
Books are nice, I like books. I hardly ever find the time to read though... minor detail. I absolutely love books by J.K. Rowling, Margaret Atwood, Virginia Woolf, Annie M.G. Schmidt...
I don't do heroes.