I am many things to many different people. Why dont you get to know me so we can find out what I can be for you? Any questions, just ask........
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FOOTBALL, video games, music, movies. Old School Cars (impalas and caprices, Chevrolet B Body cars)Reading ( I read anything with wordz). Listening to music of all kinds and watching movies. I am also an avid writer and I enjoy the outdoors.
People who have good sense.
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Rap, R&B, old school, Gospel, Classical, Sirius
Menace To Society, The Beautiful Mind, The Incredibles, The Best Man
The Boondocks, The Jamie FOxx Show, NFL Football, College Football, The History Channel, Cops, Judge Mathis
The Bible
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Jesus Christ--The KING, My father, My Mother, My Sister
Myspace Layouts
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