I always believe "First Impressions" are always a Lasting Impression. A Christian woman originally from Newport News, Virginia.I would like to thank everyone on myspace for the compliments, and comments. I appreciate all the love given. It is a blessing to have so many people to share love, and think highly of you as a woman.
Please also visit my business website at www.simplyk-apparel.com. Thank you for your support!My prayer is for the women who are lost. I pray that you find direction, and love for self. "Your body is a temple".�-(�..v��)-� Design your MySpace with MyLook �-(�..v��)-�(Inspirational Message)I sense the Lord saying to us that these are times when we need to stay
close to Him, because gross darkness is covering the earth. These are
the days when lines are being drawn in the sand. And we must be close to
Him. We must walk in His ways, because as the darkness gets darker, the
Light will shine much brighter. Those who know their God shall be mighty
and do exploits.These are not days to fear, but days to draw near and be full of His Spirit.
We have been prepared for such a time as this. And I sense that the Lord
is groaning for the world, for His compassion for them is great. And the
day of grace is still here. He needs us to do exploits in these days, so
that as many as will receive Him will become sons of God.