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Things that catch my attention, and keep it. cards, I can run with, dominoes I'll x5 it. Monopoly as long as I'm the thimble. Scrabble can up my vocabulary, but truth be told, I suck at that game.
People who can help me grow. Teach me a thing or two on things I don't fully know. And anyone who can find my clip in a haystack.
Good music, I mean Good music, Origional. If its rap, I need substance, if its rock, I need feeling, if its Jazz, I need relaxation, If its metal, I need ear plugs, a 5th of gin, and a gun. if its classical I better not be on hold.
All Godfather! The Boondock Saints, Italian job, Hustle N Flow, Happy Feet, The 5th Element, S.W.A.T, Halloween.. I think that covers general.
CSI, if I'm home to catch it, I like the History Channel because sometimes I learn somethings. Law and Order...
Godfathers Revenge, thats what I'm reading now.
I have no hero.