Con sede en Madrid, esta nueva aventura editorial parte de la iniciativa de un grupo de personas estrechamente relacionadas con la escena a través de otras actividades como el sello Caustic Records, Rara Avis Tienda y Carpe Noctem Asociación Cultural.De carácter eminentemente informativo, pretenderá ser un punto de referencia obligado para los interesados en lo acontecido alrededor de diversas tendencias musicales vigentes en el panorama internacional, aunque relativamente desconocidas y arrinconadas dentro de nuestras fronteras.Por ello nace con una orientación claramente especializada, pretendiendo rellenar el importante vacÃo existente hoy en dÃa dentro de la prensa profesional escrita en lengua española para con determinadas parcelas musicales tales como el ELECTRO, INDUSTRIAL, NEO FOLK, GOTHIC Y MÚSICA EXPERIMENTAL en casi todas sus variantes.En formato A4, carácter cuatrimestral, tirada de mil ejemplares, sesenta páginas a color y de distribución y difusión internacional, ofrecerá una amplia selección de todos los acontecimientos más relevantes dentro de las escenas mencionadas anteriormente, incluyendo además de las necesarias secciones fijas, entrevistas a importantes figuras internacionales, reseñas de discos y eventos destacados, y una amplia cobertura informativa acerca de otras disciplinas artÃsticas relacionadas como Dibujo, Literatura, Pintura, Erotismo, que, creemos, conformarán un sugerente y muy atractivo cóctel para todos los aficionados en general.
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Based in Madrid (Spain), this new literary adventure has sprung out of an initiative taken by a group of persons who, given their involvement in other activities such as "Caustic Records", "Rara Avis shop" and "Carpe Noctem Cultural Association", are intensely involved into the scene.With a marked informative nature, our intention is to create a MAGAZINE which will serve as a reference point for all those interested in/following the developments taking place within the many diverse musical trends present throughout the international scene but which still remain rather unknown and marginalized within our borders.With its strongly specialized nature, it intends to contribute towards reducing the existing and expanding vacuum in Spanish written professional media with regard to certain musical sectors such as ELECTRO, INDUSTRIAL, NEO FOLK, GOTHIC ROCK, MEDIEVAL and EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC in all its variants.With an A-4 format and a quarterly nature, and printed in editions of a 1000 copies, sixty pages in colour and to be distributed and disseminated internationally, the magazine will offer a wide-ranging selection of all new developments taking place within the musical sectors mentioned above, including and in addition to the must-have regular sections, interviews with interesting international figures, numerous reviews of albums and of notorious events, etc. including a wide-ranging coverage of related artistic disciplines such as, Drawing, Literature, Painting, Eroticism, which we think will form an attractive and evocative cocktail for all fans alike.