I enjoy Metal, running long distance, beer and nature / outdoor activities. Supporting bands / genuine labels is something I hold in high regard. This means actually BUYING their releases, shirts and going to shows, not just sitting at home filling the hard drive with MP3s. If your Metal collection exists ONLY as 0's and 1's or you are more concerned about format / image rather than music, fuck off.
WITCHES BREW Metal releases:
DEVIL LEE ROT "Hellscraper / A Little Devil Ain't Enough" CD (2002)
DEVIL LEE ROT "Metal Dictator / Soldier From Hell" CD (2003)
DEVIL LEE ROT "Metalizer" CD (2004)
GAMA BOMB "Survival Of The Fastest" CD (2006)
HAMMERWHORE "Hammerwhore" CD (2005)
HATEWORK "Madbent For Disaster" CD (2002)
IMMACULATE "Thrash, Kill 'N' Deströy" CD (2008)
PYÖVELI "The New Renaissance Of Speed & Thrash Metal" CD (2007)
REDIMONI "The Onset Of Chaos" MCD (2005)
REDIMONI "Into The Coiling Arms Of Mayhem" CD (2008)
SCYTHE "On My Way Home" CD (2002)
SCYTHE "Poetry Of Illusions" CD (2003)
SCYTHE "The Process Of Rotting" CD (2004)
SCYTHE "Decay" CD (2006)
THARGOS "Killfukk" CD (2003)
THE CHASM "Conjuration Of The Spectral Empire" CD (2002)
TOXIC HOLOCAUST "Evil Never Dies" CD (2003)
VEXED "Nightmare Holocaust" CD (2003)
VEXED "Destruction Warfare" CD (2004)
Upcoming Thrash Attacks in 2008 !!
SAURON "Satanic Assassins" CD
MADGOYA "Put Olindrali Avlijanera" CD
DEATHHAMMER "Forever Ripping Fast" CD
MP3s / Info: www.witches-brew.org
Purchase at www.TheBasar.org
Send Money, Demos, Beer to:
Witches Brew
PO Box 100 710
93007 Regensburg