About Me
The LAST EVER Detournement was held on Friday 25th of May 2007 at The Komedia, Gardner Street, Brighton from 11pm-3am. The event marked our 6th anniversary. Our work is done here.
Detournement is:
1. A Future Rock’n’Roll Secular Jihad.
2. The militant faction of the Sooty and Sweep club.
3. Two and a half Dudley Moores.
4. A monthly clubnight for dancing at The Komedia, Gardner Street, Brighton. 11pm-3am. Approximately 200+ undesirables oscillating with any record alluding to a Post-Punk aesthetic or vague notions of ’Outsider’ chic. A den of iniquity populated predominantly by Glamorous Freaks, Tender Perverts, Artschool Dropouts and Trainspotters.
5. A term coined by Guy Debord and the Situationist International (SI) movement of the 1960’s, Detournement is usually translated into English as ’diversion’ and was the method of artistic creation used by the Situationists. It was, in effect, plagiarism where both the source and the meaning of the original work was subverted to create a new work. In the SI’s own words ’there is no Situationist art, only Situationist uses of art’. Detournement is distinct from ’theft’ plagiarism, which only subverts the source of the material and post-modern ironic quotation’ plagiarism which only subverts the meaning of the material, the source becoming the meaning. The SI used detournement in films, art, graphics for their journal and in posters that detourned comics during the events of the Paris uprising of May 1968. Many Situationist ideas found a vessel through the British Punk Rock explosion of the 1970’s, a movement which cast a lengthy shadow over subsequent developments in music, inspiring furious unresolved debates among hapless commentators over it’s real legacy.
My Blog
Nightclubs are hell.
The following piece was written by Charlie Brooker and appeared in The Guardian on Monday August 13:*****************Nightclubs are hell. What's cool or fun about a thumping, sweaty dungeon full of po...
Posted by Detournement on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 05:25:00 PST
Play sahm facking Kraatrock!
Now that I've told everybody that we're closing down on Friday May 25th I'm being reminded by friends of other stories from the frontline that should have been included in the Top 5 Detournement 'mome...
Posted by Detournement on Wed, 16 May 2007 05:50:00 PST
Our work is done here.
On Friday May 25th the Brighton clubnight known as Detournement will be closing down, this date also marks the club's 6th anniversary. We don't want to write an essay on the reasons why because, frank...
Posted by Detournement on Wed, 16 May 2007 03:07:00 PST
Pulgasari in gold sequins
Many many thanks to everybody who made it down to Detournement for it's big relaunch at The Komedia on Friday. It was definitely the right move for all concerned and was one of our best nights for age...
Posted by Detournement on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 02:43:00 PST
Bobby Love on Conspiracy Theories
I love 'em, which is why I am proposing the following:MySpace was taken offline deliberately so that the jaded yoof of this country would drag themselves away from their online network and find a plac...
Posted by Detournement on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 02:05:00 PST
Review of the year 2006.
The Detournement Review of the year 2006. OK. Better late than never but, now that the banal festivities and hollow processions have subsided, I can provide you with something positive for the New Yea...
Posted by Detournement on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 05:30:00 PST
Sanctimonius King of Messiahanic Twat-Rock
Well, after No Music Day, how are we supposed to 're-engage with music' as Bill Drummond would have it? Today is St. Cecilia's Day and she is the patron saint of music. The truth : Nothing has changed...
Posted by Detournement on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 06:56:00 PST
Mouldy Old Dough
1. It isn't a tragedy that Top Of The Pops has bitten the dust nor is it a mystery, the world has moved on that's all. Be honest, most of the time it was rubbish, even in it's heyday: Parochial, patro...
Posted by Detournement on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 03:07:00 PST
Three Pronged Assault
Bitter and Twisted Curmudgeon's Weekly. Issue no.941. I was in the Heart and Hand last night. It's the beginning of the end. It's been common knowledge for months that the landlord's daughter was goin...
Posted by Detournement on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 02:03:00 PST
It's time to learn Spanish.
Invariably at this time of year I plan my eventual emigration from this monumental shitbin of a country. Yes, it's the World Cup. Never do I feel more alienated and resentful of my fellow man, manifes...
Posted by Detournement on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 05:50:00 PST