Your MOM! Obviously! but besides that Ryan Reynolds, (no wait i already did that. . . Check!) Brad Pitt, Jim Carey, Hunter S. Thompson, J.R.R. Tolkein, did i say your MOM!!!, Quentin Tarentino, OPRAH!!!, SUFI!!! Dane mutha fuckin Cook!!! Jason MR. A to the Z!! Mr. Curiosity? Ron Jeremy, Rob Van Winkle, The Raddest Fucking Dude Alive!!!, The guy from those infomercials about the juiceman juicer with those 3 inch crazy eyebrows?!? Yea that guy!!! The power is in the juice!!! And ur mum, that was for u english folk!!! Shaun White, Dennis Rodman, Thomas Jefferson, Nicholas Cage, JESSICA BEIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! please call me!!!! You have the #, use it!!! sarah silverman, johnny depp, j dub, vince vaughn, sam raimi, stan lee, bendis, john delagrange, miss hogan, spam,tucker, mia, yada yada yada and you can guess the rest!!!
I will make it real easy on everyone. As far as Music,Movies, ad TV is concerned i like EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!
Lord of the flies, The lottery, The Pearl, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, yada yada yada just ask! Who talks about books anymore without being asked anyways?????????
MY UMA!?!? Youll ever know unless u ask! Van Wilder, Ari Gold, UR MOM! HEHE! Who in the hell doesnt love moms? AD! HARPO! Karl Rouse!!! 2.4.2. pops!! I have way to many people that i consider heroes to list here!!!! Ill save the space!!