Jean profile picture


terry cloth

About Me

organic booty shaker shack a lackin down this dirty path. i make my own light at the end of the tunnel...

My Interests

open windows. high places. water.sonic revelry. circles. dirt paths.consumable goods. information ages.making it up as we go along.

I'd like to meet:

the dopplegangers that fools forgot.


The RustBelt. Iggy & the Stooges. Spiritual Boner. The Stones. Peter, Bjorn and John. The Willowz. 13th Floor Elevators. Bjork. The Sugar Cubes. Ultra Vivid Scene. Tom Petty. Animal Collective. Clinic. PJ Harvey. the Black Lips. Human Ear MUSIC!


mind candy


You Tube. Flight of the Conchords. Family Guy. The State.


Woolf woolf! A Room of one's Own. Hemingway. Sartre. Plath. Homer. Thompson. Kesey. Kerouac. Pablo Neruda. The Little Prince. Siddartha. Carlos Castaneda. Smith (Patti was a poet).


The ones who keep it really really real, like me mum and da.

My Blog

RustBelt Revue

This is what I do in my spare time sometimes. If you've got a sweet event, idea, artist, or societal shift you'd like to share w. the public, contact me at [email protected] and we'll get 'er d...
Posted by Jean on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 02:35:00 PST

No Strings Attached

If life is a series of momentsthen we can allsit back and relaxThe string is not brokenThe threadis spooling [from somewhere].Collecting somewhereinto a poolof soft fibera nest [to rest in]....
Posted by Jean on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 12:03:00 PST

Bishop Kool

Bishop Kool began acting like a fool as he sat down and started absconding himself. Never put much value in things less he decided on your knowledge and wealth. Mythical Goddess.  Valkyrie. What...
Posted by Jean on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 10:32:00 PST