PERO born and raised in the ORANGEBURG, SOUF KACK (that Kuntry living), O-W was another lyfe style in it's own where PERO attended high school. ART, creativity, originality, soul, hip hop, attitude, culture, and fashion comes from the lyfe styles O-W is known for. After graduating from O-W college was next for PERO, CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY where the creativity, art, originality, soul, hip hop, attitude, culture, and fashion became stronger because of the family atomosphere and knowledge gain( it's an experience, black colleges)The media always list the negativity in the streets so I will not list the negativity you will always get the positive news from PERO.These days PERO is bless with family and hands my folks call magical.Becoming rich will be good, but I when I leave this earth I don't want people to say damn he was rich , but leave this earth with people saying his art was............ so I want to thank everybody who support me for supporting me and i am not mentioing the haters .......LOOK AND OUT FOR M.E.
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