Animal liberation, cats, bellydance (correct term: raks sharki), copper jewelry and copper decor, modern Libya, Ancient Egypt, great mystics of the past, Napoleon, all blessed bugs INCLUDING spiders and roaches and fleas, abolishing all asinine meaningless terms such as: survivor/taking full responsibility for /interface/team player/sales associate/closure/President Bush**********WHAT I CAN'T STAND: police, men with shaved heads, men who spit on the ground, women who wear short sleeves without grooming properly first (double yuck to that one), women with visible bra straps, the sight of cigarettes hanging out of people's mouths, the odor of cigarette smoke, being called "Judy" which is not even historically related to my Christian name "Judith," people who try to impress me by commenting they don't eat "much" meat (either you eat it or you don't, f*cker), the song "Hotel California," leafblowers
Anyone who helps animals, Muammar Ghadafi (or anyone who has met him), Satya Sai Baba, the awesome psychic medium George Anderson (I did meet him once--he's for real), Rosicrucian members, vegan hardcore people, vegan straight edge people, animal liberationists who think PETA sucks, people who love cats, people who love insect life, people of the Russian Orthodox faith, people from the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (been there), people from Saint Helena Island SAO (lived there), people from South Africa (been there), your companion animals, any lynx or bobcat or wildcat or Pallas cat or Maine Coon or Norwegian forest or feral or Scottish wildcat, woollybear caterpillars.**********SEE THE SCOTTISH WILDCATS VIDEO BELOW! (If it's there. It disappears sometimes, as does my music.)
Earth Crisis, Path of Resistance, Minor Threat, 108, Flamenco music, Arab music (especially Egyptian Saidi music), Bach, Lynx Pistols
A Beautiful Mind, Jurassic Park, Kingdom of Heaven, Lion of the Desert, Brother Sun Sister Moon, The Lion in Winter, Henry IV, The Elephant Man, Naked Gun series, Dead Again, Broken Glass, Boys Don't Cry, Gladiator, XXX (Vin Diesel action film), Last of the Scottish Wildcats (so what if I've only seen the trailer for it; it won awards)
Law and Order SVU; Unsolved Mysteries, especially when it's about ghost stories (or stars acclaimed actor Dave Young); the Brazillian novela El Clon; Educational TV specials; documentaries on Ancient Egypt
War and Peace, We Don't Die, We Are Not Forgotten, The Art of Selfishness, biographies of Napoleon, The Autobiography of Peter Young
Anyone who takes a risk to help animals or the environment, Muammar Ghadafi, Omar Mukhtar, Brigitte Bardot, Napoleon, Francis of Assisi, Nefertiti