I got my layout at Cleanupmyspace.com
Devendra Banhart, David Bowie, Animal Collective, John Frusciante, Cocorosie, Type O Negative, Jethro Tull, Six Organs of Admittance, Vetiver, The Doors, Black Sabbath, Vashti Bunyan, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, The Cure, Black Angels, Pearl Jam, Ravi Shankar, The Kills, Lou Reed, Broadcast, Iggy Pop, Spacemen 3, Velvet Underground
Der Traum vom Schlafenden Hund, Goodbye Lenin, Velvet Goldmine
Paulo Coelho "Veronica decides to die", Erich Fromm "The Art of Loving", Herman Hesse "Demian" and "Siddhartha", Robert Heinlein "Stranger in a Strange Land", Esther Freud "Marrakesh", Bob Dylan "Chronicles"