F- I like mums cooking
G- You do?
F- Yeh, Mum cooks right well
F&G- *laughing*
F- Alright, so I BARE mum's cooking
G- Better.
F- I like dancing
G- I like music
F&G- *look at each other* We like girls.
F- I'm quite handsome
G- What he said.
F- Monger, we've got a lot of interests
G- You're right Fred, we do.
F&G- Want to know more? Just talk to us!
F&G- Undoubtedly our favorite Ravenclaw! Mess with her, and you mess with us. Grrrr! *flex* GALLONS OF GALLEONS!
Pocket money failing to keep pace with your outgoings?
Like to earn a little extra gold?
Contact Fred and George Weasley,
for simple, part-time, virtually painless jobs.
(we regret that all work is undertaken at applicant's own risk) F&G- Anyone! F- We've finally one of those Comment Box things, so you can enjoy our Music! Round of applause! No? Bugger...
G- This is my type of interest!
F- You're going to take forever George
G- Fine, I'll keep it simple and sweet
F- *mumbles* So he says...
G- I like rock and roll, a bit of what those muggles call punk, that rhythm and blue's stuff, Oldies, they're quite good, a lot of our wizarding bands aren't half bad either.....
F- *mouthing his brother in mock* He'll never stop.
Fred's Lovely, Cute, Beautiful WIFE G- Well..well, they ARE my baby girls!!
George's Hero: Fred! Fred's Hero: George! Mum and Dad Our Little Sister Ginevra (Aka Ginny, AKA Hexxes if you get her mad Fred wrote that Ginny. Cheech and Chong! The Roxbury Brothers Jimmy Fallon Harry and Lloyd Tenacious D Sifl and Olly