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I am here for Friends

About Me

Friendly,open,honest,Christian,mother,I love to meet new people.You can instant message me on yahoo at rw4004. Which Smallville Character Are You?

More on Smallville . Smallville
Which member of the JLA are you?
Losing his parents to a tragic mugging, Bruce Wayne took a vow to wage a one man war on crime. Using the image of the bat to strike fear into criminals, he dons the guise of the Dark Knight after the sun sets. A genius detective and scientist he is a valuable member to the League even without powers

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests. ,Your results:
You are Superman Superman 100% Robin 95% Spider-Man 90% Green Lantern 80% Batman 75% Wonder Woman 70% Supergirl 65% The Flash 60% Iron Man 50% Catwoman 40% Hulk 40% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...
You Are Not Prejudiced
Not only are you color blind, but you're also ethnicity blind, gender blind, and sexual orientation blind.
You don't judge someone until you truly know them. And even then, you're probably reluctant to judge.
You try to treat everyone equally. Everyone has a fair chance with you.
Good job - there's not a prejudiced bone in your body. Are You Prejudiced? ,,
Your EQ is 167
Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.
Seriously though, your whole "Don't Worry, Be Happy" philosophy is really what defines emotional intelligence.
You're warm, open, and very optimistic. You know how to act appropriately, even if you don't feel like it.
You are a good communicator, and you have little difficulty with personal relationships - even when you're dealing with difficult people.
In general, you are successful, capable, together person. You get what you want out of life. What's Your EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)? ,,
Which Buffy Girl Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty ,,Your results:
You are Mystique Mystique 82% Apocalypse 68% Venom 68% Magneto 61% Poison Ivy 60% The Joker 60% Dark Phoenix 58% Catwoman 52% Green Goblin 50% Riddler 49% Kingpin 44% Lex Luthor 43% Dr. Doom 43% Mr. Freeze 42% Juggernaut 42% Two-Face 42% Sometimes motherly, sometimes a beautiful companion, but most of the time a deceiving vixen.
Click here to take the "Which Super Villain am I?" quiz...
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Myspace Layouts - Animals Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes - Myspace Generators - Myspace Backgrounds
What Mythical Animal Are You?
Unicorn Ahhh...The horse with a horn. You are gentle, sweet, and considerate, and get along well with many. You don't often fight and are a lover of poetry and music. Some people look over you with scorn, but don't mind them! You are thoughtful and can be very wise. People do best to follow your advice and examples!
Myspace Quizzes
What Wild Animal Are You? (pics)
Eagle You are the Eagle. You value courage, justice and nobility. You are the symbol of freedom made flesh. You should be proud.
Myspace Quizzes

What Disney Princess are you?
You are very comassionate and see the persons personality
How do you compare?
Take this test! | Tests from Testriffic

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is interested in clean chat.You can instant message me on yahoo at rw4004.

Who is your celebrity twin?

Jennifer Garner You are sweet and sophisticated. Everyone likes you because it's impossible not to.

Celebrities-Fame Quizzes ,

What is your ideal job?

Doctor / Nurse Your ideal career is one in the medical area, It's great pay, if you can make it through years of university!

Jobs-Careers-Goals Quizzes

My Blog

updates n new pics

Hey everyone,how are you?Ok so lots of updates and new pictures.Yesterday we went on a school field trip to Jennifers farm it was awesome.James was very excited about petting and feeding all the anima...
Posted by on Fri, 15 May 2009 07:32:00 GMT

freaking fraps for flibertygibets

Hey everyone how are you?What's new here hm..I'm craving fraps no that's not new..Oh yesterday was Mother's Day!Happy Mothers Day to anyone I missed.I took James out (one of these days he can take me ...
Posted by on Mon, 11 May 2009 08:05:00 GMT

holy calories batman!

Hey everyone what's new?New with me?I found this site that has a calorie counter and weight loss tracker.I like it so far.I think it's kind of nuts logging every bite or sip but I nee...
Posted by on Mon, 04 May 2009 16:00:00 GMT

"oh the cleverness of me"

Hey everyone what's up?I'm so tired from the last two days.Yesterday it wasn't work that kept me busy.My friend Karyn and I ,and James,went garage sailing so we walked I don't know how far or long but...
Posted by on Sat, 02 May 2009 18:52:00 GMT

two blog day

Hey everyone first of all I posted a blog earlier and if you haven't read that go do it :P .So I have more to talk about obviously so I should just get to it right gesh move on.I think I found a way t...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 15:22:00 GMT

this flibertygibet's blog

Hey, everyone thought I'd give updates.I'm feeling better.James is doing better thank God.Yesterday he had an awesome day at school and then at my school.We ordered these noise reducing headphones tha...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 08:06:00 GMT

one day at a time

First of all I was bitched out by Robert last night through text.The person who messed up should not be bitching at the other person.I couldn't talk to him over the phone.I was too hurt,too upset.I ...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 10:22:00 GMT


I don't know what to say.I'm numb.usually I have a positive outlook,a good sense of humor no matter the circumstance.Right now I just want everything to stop.stop feeling the hurt,the betrayal,the l...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Apr 2009 21:11:00 GMT

updates,babbles from hormonally challenged

Hey, everyone  I need to talk,vent,spill,babble,and hopefully get some feedback.I'm going through a tough time right now.The one person I usually try to turn to(my husband) isn't here for me now (not ...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Apr 2009 16:58:00 GMT

Sanctus Real - I'm Not Alright

Lyrics to I'm Not Alright :If weakness is a woundThat no one wants to speak ofThen cool is just how far we have to fallI am not immuneI only want to be lovedBut I feel safe behind the firewallCan I ...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 08:19:00 GMT