Well what can I tell you…..I was born here in Florida, after a few weeks, my parents took me to Maracaibo, Venezuela. My Mother is from Cuba and Father was from Uruguay they meet in Miami they got married and went to Venezuela where my Father had his business. In Venezuela I had a happy childhood at 12 years of age the marriage dissolved so my Mom brought my Brother and me to Miami were we spent 3 years. We moved to Chicago, Illinois. There I finish Grade School, and High School. In 1980 I join the U.S. Army for 3 years active duty and 3 years in the reserve. In the service I graduated from Signal Scholl first of my class so I was asked to become an assistant instructor…….
After returning to Chicago I attended Columbia University where I received B.A. in Photography / Photo Science. Worked in the Photo Industry for 25 year……
I moved around from Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, back to Chicago. In 1989 I moved to Margarita Island, Venezuela for 2 1/2 years to open up a Photography business were I had the best time of my life. I return back to Chicago because of Mr. Hugo Chavez…..
When the Digital era came up I had to cross to the Graphic Industry.
I had to go back to Scholl so I attended the International Academy of Graphic Art and Merchandising were I received an A.B.
I been in the Graphic Industry for a while now, and decided to go on my own.
I recently moved to Florida. I am a self employed small business owner. I work a lot and networking is something I enjoy doing. I think Hialeah, and Miami are great cities. There is something for everyone here. I also believe that everyone has the ability to learn new things. Everyone has something to offer! My business is called Tetman Graphics I’m working out of my home office my email is
[email protected] for now.
If there is anything I can do please feel free to contact me…………
I’m a nice guy who is also a loyal friend. I am the first to back up a friend when there is trouble. I am respectful of people until you piss me off then I AM YOUR WORST FUCKING NIGHTMARE....
Some may describe me as the angriest man alive. I'm not really that angry, I just have a low tolerance for stupidity. Because of this, I spend a lot of time alone, so I read, Reading leads to thinking, which leads to finding stupidity in the world, which in turn, leads to my anger. As you can tell, I don't get out much.
There are too many other fun things to do in life. I am always learning new things. The world is full of knowledge just waiting for us to grasp. I think it's important to always be improving yourself.
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