Slowly collecting key music/fashion/marketing and also fantastic individuals as friends. The professional in me is putting an agency together, but the friend in me wants to give his knowledge to those who seek it.Why not weave the fabric myself? I know enough talented people to make great commercial products happen. Don't forget the person behind the plan though.
Ideally? a date, but if they can't be friends, how could they offer a long-term relationship? So I did the 21st century thing: I move in with my best f-buddy, LOL! So pragmatic. Very Marcusrock!
Marcusrock is a Self-Discoverer
I'm not religious, but have created my own kind of spirituality.Introspective and thoughtful, I tend to look inward for the divine.I am distrusting of all forms of organized religion.I especially dislike religious gurus and leaders, whom I feel are charlatans.
Marcusrock and Don'Avonne Leak Present:
2,175 CDs (I'm old-fashioned) that range from Ingrid Chavez to PJ harvey and Barry White. Eclectic.
I have a soft spot for science fiction, since I started my reading habits with Agatha Christie and Robert Heinlein.
Myself. I left home at 13 and never looked back. I miss my folks, but my sister Carol has been more than a sister to me. The next generation -through my younger sisters- will continue what seems like an artistic family's legacy.
Proud sponsor of fitness model Jmiah. Click to go.