Surfing, philosophy, congac, adventures, bridge jumping, the inner-workings of a woman, inventions, and lamb I just love lamb.
Tom petty, cause I like his style. Ayn Rand, cause I like her mind. the love of my life, just cause. Tom greens parents, how did that happen? Andree 3000, dude's gotta be funny as hell. Bruce lee, just to learn how to jump into trees. and George Bush, cause I liked to pop em a solid one in the face.
Underground hip-hop, Relaxing stuff, kick ass stuff, groovy stuff, and andreas patecelli or however you spell that crazy blind guys name
movies, alright, Waking life is one of the best ever made. Life is Beautiful is the best movie ever made. I also got a special spot on my shelf for eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. Boondock Saints and Seven Samurai are some kick ass shows and Amilie is a great flick for the soul.
Fuck TV
If your gonna read these are the best books you could possibly waste your time on Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert m. Pirsig, Ishmael by ?,, The heart of the Dog by Sergi Dovlatav , Siddartha by Herman Hesse, Tao Te Ching is a good one too, The Source by James A. Michner.
John Galt