My name is Casprin, Cas for short. I am adopted, so I have several last names. I grew up as Carson Rowe with my adoptive family, who, to me, are no different than real family. I love and respect them all, and am grateful to have them in my life. I was born February 2, 1988, and am 19 years old. I am asian pacific islander (Ryukyujin)(Ryukyu Islands), 6' tall, dark brown hair and eyes, 165 lbs. I've played piano for 15 years, guitar for 5, bass for 1, and have been composing music, lyrics, and poetry for about 5-6 years. I am a very serious musician. I was born in Japan and have lived there for about a total of 6 years over my lifespan and can speak, read and write Japanese (But its somewhat rusty, and I am accent-free). I've been to every continent except for Antarctica and love travel. I hope to be a professional musician one day.
I am a real person.
2. MESSAGE ME asking me for my SN or email. IT IS CLEARLY STATED, BOLDED, and UNDERLINED So it is very easily seen immediately to your LEFT directly UNDER my profile pic, labled CONTACT CAS. Go figure huh?
3. IM any of my screen names on AIM expecting to “Get to know meâ€, especially if you don’t even live remotely close to me. I am not going to spend my REAL LIFE time getting to know people on the internet, with the only exception being those whom I’ve known previously in real life, or go out of MY way to contact.
4. IM or message me for any sexual purpose, use inappropriate language, or ask me intimate details about myself or my life. I don't care, God gave you a right (And/or left) hand.
5. IM or message me asking if I have a webcam. If I feel like face chatting with you, I'll offer it to you. I will NEVER cam for any sexual reason. DO NOT IM or message me offering to "Get on cam" for me. I don't want to see ANYONE on cam, especially not you. I’m engaged, and happily so!
6. IM or message me offering to give or trade nude pics. I do NOT nor will I EVER have any nude pics of myself. I am well aware there are fake pics of me out there, and, if you find them by all means, enjoy them. Its the closest you’ll get to seeing the real thing.
7. Message me asking for help with your myspace page, especially if I don't know you. It is a lot of complicated html coding work. I don't feel like explaining it to you. My page is PLENTY of work on its own, but if I see your page and I think I can help I will. Its as easy as going to Google.com and searching "Myspace Codes".
8. Invite me to a group that you honestly cannot see me being interested in. Chances are, if you don't see it on my profile, or subject matter that relates to it, I won't be interested. And, no, I do NOT have gay pride and do NOT support all that bullshit, so don't even try.
9. Message me asking me to whore you out. If I know you well enough AND like you well enough, I may offer. Life is not a popularity contest, the number of friends on your myspace has no value in the real world.
10. PLEASE do NOT leave those lame text-imaging COMMENT TRAINS on my profile. Obviously I have already removed HTML commenting, do you really think I would like a gigantic "HI" on my page made entirely of H's and I's? As a matter of fact, don't comment or email me any kind of train. It just immediately gets deleted.
I will block anyone who doesn't follow these rules.
I Will
1. Accept a friends request from someone who has no pics of themselves on their profile. It defeats the whole purpose and pretense under which this entire site was founded.
2. Comment or accept requests from ANYONE that have posted pornographic pics or material otherwise inappropriate on their page. Read the myspace terms of service please and thank you.
3. Comment or respond to ANYONE with nude or inappropriate images of themselves (or pics of someone they flat out stole). I'm sure you have all READ THE RULES FOR IMAGE HOSTING on Myspace. I'll do everything in my power to have your profile deleted permanently because it is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that the majority of people who patron this website are under the age of 18. How sick, narcissistic, and irresponsible of you.
I am SO SORRY I have had to post rules like this. One would THINK that people would have enough common sense to not do these things, but I've been proven wrong time after time. Again, I am sorry to all the worthwhile people and friends I have found and that have found me on this site. THANK YOU! And again, my apologies.
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[Game Corner]
World of Warcraft
[Night Elf Hunter]
Level 60 and retired!
(My hunter's pets, the lions Echeyakee and Humar, and a Sporebat, for looks. You all will be missed!!!)
[Night Elf Priest]
Level 66 and retired!
Final Fantasy XI Online
[Hume Black Mage / Ninja / Summoner]
R.I.P. (June 2004-June 2006)
Its me, only Digital. I [rock] [Online] with Final Fantasy XI Online!
I'm a Game Dork...
Deal with it!
[Yaoi = Love]