My Son Trace, my family, my friends, my music, magic, space- like the stars and stuff. Bunch of stuff really.
Ozzy, cause he's just cool. Henry Winkler, cause he used to be cool (The Fonz), but now he's just Henry. Robin Williams, cause he is the funniest person I have ever seen! Alyssa Milano, cause she is so HoTtT! And pretty much I like to just meet good, down to earth people who try to enjoy life and help enrich others!
!!!N.O.HighRise!!!, Ozzy, Pantera, Metallica, Prince, Otis Redding, Primus, Van Morrison, any 80s music, Stevie Nicks, The Doors, Steve Vai, Skid Row, Warrant, Lillian Axe, NLE, Green Day, Korn, Godsmack, Disturbed, Tchaichovski, Little Nicky Soundtrack, lots o stuff. Check out your local music too! Some you might enjoy are Resurrection Man, Echelon, Menagerie, Fate's Loss, People on the Side, Eleven Reasons, Jack Locke, Misled, Backdraft, Throwing Silk, Cheeweez, Molly Ringwalds, The Tomatoes, Cea Serin, Topcats, and more! I'll put more later. If I forgot your band, send me a message, and I'll check out your music, and maybe you'll make it to this side of my space!!
Goodfellas.1 favorite movie of all time. Also laughed my ass off at Team America. Love the American Pie flix. Shaun of the Dead was awesome! Anything Monty Python, Reservoir Dogs, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Stigmata, American History X, Kevin Smith movies, 'specially Dogma and Chasing Amy, Naked Gun movies, The Jerk, The Matrixes, mainly 1st and third. Monty Python of course. more soon...
Simpsons!! is there anything else?!? Ok, well actually i'm a huge fan of commercials, the funny ones anyhow. Boston Legal is a new favorite. Um, I get stuck on those marathon I Love the 80s and where are they now things on vh1 and mtv sometimes. Mork and Mindy man! why don't they play that on tvland or something. Gosh! Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and omigosh, have you seen the free cartoons on G4 on digital cable? Look for Captain Capitalism! You will die laughing! more soon...
I'd love suggestions on good books, but these are what I really like and can remember right now. Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbot, Flatland, by Edwin Abbott, Foundation series by Asimov, anything Dr. Seuss, Harry Potter stuff, Angels and Demons, The DaVinci Code, stuff by Heinlein, Asimov, nonfiction stuff that makes you think, reading and learning about hypnosis now, I'll need volunteers soon...
Ozzy(Rock Legend, in his own time. There are many others, legends that is, but he's my favorite), The Fonz(Heeyyyy, sit on it if you don't understand), Jesus Christ (though not because of christianity, He was just trying to tell everyone to love themself and worship themselves and their relationships, and learn all you can in this life sorry rambling. Ask if you would like to hear what I got to say, for now back to my heroes!!), Elvis(Rock and Roll best PR guy ever!!!, and Houdini( He will return one day and make the most magnificent escape ever- from death !!! Probably show up with Jesus and the Fonz.)