Variety, spontaneous situations, going to Crowded places, seeing all the faces, picking up the vibe.Weekend wild man.AMA motorcycle competition OffRoader, Quiet during week.Mountain Biking, training HARD. Artistic people with something to say.My 1970 BSA 650, unpredictability, change of seasons....,the woods.....,Quiet......,Rye bread toasted.with raspberry jelly..Dogs...,a kind word,a deep blue sky ,against a wall of evergreens.My neices and nephews...Boots...,being free...log cabins....a good song..a fire burning in the fireplace..a beautiful girl....a good cup of coffee.....High places,towers,cranes,powerlines,watertowers,cliffs,and climbing them.really enjoyed climbing the 350 ft tall crane across the street from southstreet bar in nashville,at night.TALK ABOUT ADRENALINE !! The truth....Your own Truth...finding it and living it.!!!!
YOU !!!
Since I work in the music business I have a great respect for Anybody who's out there sluggin it out playing clubs ,riding in clapped out bus'es vans,or whatever will run , draggin road cases,loadin out in the pourin rain and creating there own music then having the balls to stand up there and put it out there thats who i like. The people you haven't heard of are the best artists out there Thats how Nashville is, there are so many talented people.It helps me be more creative, in my own musical journey.
Don't really watch Em.... O.K. maybe once in a while.!! if there's nothing else to do.
I don't spend much time in front of a T.V. I'd rather be outside,or doing something.T.V. can be Spoonfed garbage i tell ya............ O.K. if i have to....... Discovery channel , O.L.N. . Occasional murder show on Sun nite . And oh yes, Gotta have NFL on E.S.P.N..... and the 2006 NFC EAST CHAMPION PHILADELPHIA EAGLES !!!!
John Penton,Dick Burleson ,Anybody who CHOOSES TO BE HAPPY everyday (because it is a choice) Anybody who gets back up,when some asshole knocks you down then pisses on you while you're down there. Anybody fighting Predjiduce, Disease,Cancer,depression,addiction,your demons....You are all hero's.