I made my myspace layout using Pimp-My-Profile.com
I made my myspace layout using Pimp-My-Profile.com
Mountain bike racing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, road biking, photography, home improvements, time with friends and family and movies.
I've had the chance to meet so many people I have looked up to for so long I feel lucky. People like Jon Bon Jovi, Spike Lee, Diddy, Zach Braff and many more of the sorts but the people I would like to meet are the people in my old roomates' new lives in the cities that they now live in. My roomates meant so much to me during my college years, where I really began to become the man that I am, I feel clueless to their lives as young professionals and their circle of friends. One sure fire way to know what kind of person someone is is to meet their friends - it's a great indicator. After meeting all those famous people and being somewhat famous myself I can honestly tell you this: all of these people are just people - they enjoy the same things we do like privacy and a good laugh. We should all allow them both.
I just got off tour with Nick Lachey and the band "DIRTIE BLONDE" opened for him. Melinda and I would hang out in their dressing rooms when we weren't working and we'd club it after the concerts. They are all so cool and their sound is amazing and original! Check them out at BLURTY DON!!!
Tommy Boy, Shawshank Redemption, Godfather I, II and III. March of the Penguins, The Matrix, Good Wil Hunting, Wedding Crashers, Fight Club, Dumb and Dumber, Gladiator, Braveheart, Super Troopers, Finding Nemo (you know you love it), Legends of the Fall, Tomestone, Lion King are some off the top of my head. I LOVE movies!Best most recent: Lucky Number Sleven
THE NEXT MTV CHALLENGE:If I get chosen to do the next challenge which will be taped this summer, I would do it. But if not I am most likey done completely with Mtv - I am going back to school fall '07 to complete my degree and get on with my life as an adult. Thanks for the inquiries! Other than that - it's all that reality t.v. crap these days.
Just read:Me and MarleyReading:Lance Armstrong's War
My heros are the positive father influences of my roomates. I learn so much from them on positive male relationships and how I should conduct myself around my children someday. Everyone could use some positive male role models which is why I believe Nick Lachey is a great guy to have toured with.