What/Who I love:
Being a mom
Reading to Eric,
making Eveyln smile and laugh,
making myself happy,
being respected,
being in love,
great sex,
myspace friends,
salsa dancing,
going to clubs,
high platform go-go boots,
my laptop,
my pink razor phone,
Mickey Mouse,
Tower of Terror in California Adventure,
nail polish,
anything that glitters,
the color purple,
the color pink,
mini skirts,
tall black boots,
my hair up,
hoop earrings,
high heels,
slutty high heels,
hawaiian punch,
Dr. Pepper,
diet coke,
flavored lip gloss,
shopping online,
going to the mall,
dressing up,
being treated like a princess,
helping people,
listening to music,
purple roses,
night blooming jasmine,
weeping willows,
coach purses,
LV purses,
flip flops.
silver jewelry,
mozzarella sticks,
my mom's home cooking,
kissing my kids,
bear hugs,
making people smile,
singing in the car,
long trips,
spending time with true friends,
sleeping till noon,
hello kitty,
share bear,
the book "how to make love like a pornstar" by Jenna Jameson,
Jenna Jameson,
anything by Shakespeare,
being there for my friends,
being there for my kids...
Cool Slideshows
Saul Williams because he's brilliant!
Who Remembers MySpace Radio LIVE!!!???
I'm gonna bring it back, but not sure when...
Well Check Out This Lil Clip... With ha Homie Tony-J, HomeGurl Teemaree (From Dynamite Jive!) & Da Homie Joe (POTHEAD SOCIETY From MySpace!)
ENJOY!!! :)
Clip From MySpace Radio LIVE!!!
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Shakespeare In Love, Meet Joe Black, The Wedding Singer,Goonies, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill vol 1and 2, Beauty and the Beast, The Sweetest Thing, The Excorcist, The Amittyville Horror, Interview with a Vampire. I love scary movies!
Ultimate Fighting Championship, Lost, American Idol, Tyra, Forensic Files,CSI Miami/Las Vegas/New York/NCIS and Cheaters because I love other people's drama!
My mom because shes a strong woman, and she can do anything,Teachers because they work hard and are underpaid,Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Wonderwoman,Superwoman and of course William Shakespeare! I am so in love with him!!