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The L Word

Same sex. Different city.

About Me

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The provocative Showtime series follows the lives, loves, losses and longings of a tight-knit group of friends, most of whom are lesbians. Think: Same Sex, Different City. These West LA hipsters do much of their socializing at The Planet, a caf-come-nightclub where the women frequently meet to connect, compare notes or just kvetch.
BETTE PORTER - (Jennifer Beals)
Emerging from a personal and professional rough patch, Bette regains her footing with a high-profile job and a move toward genuine friendship with Tina, her ex-partner of seven years and birth mother of their baby daughter, Angelica. But unexpected love and a little lust are just around the corner, threatening to knock self-determined alpha Bette off solid ground.
TINA KENNARD - (Laurel Holloman)
Tina's devotion to Angelica is unwavering, but after separating from Bette and returning to a relationship with a man, her ideas about love and family and her identification as a lesbian are less certain. Tina's work-life is also in flux as she rebuilds her career as a Hollywood executive only to become mired in the drama that develops around Jenny and her book-cum-screenplay.
PAPI - (Janina Gavankar)
Papi is a smooth operator, who according to Alice's OurChart records, has chalked up even more conquests than Shane. When she's not busy putting the moves on the ladies, Papi's introducing Alice and the friends to new orbits of girls, from the basketball courts in West Hollywood to hangouts in East LA.
SHANE McCUTCHEON - (Katherine Moennig)
For most of her life, Shane has protected herself from hurt and from hurting others by shutting people out. But when her younger brother, Shay, is abandoned on her doorstep, Shane finally has to let someone in — and in doing so — come to terms with her own fears and insecurities about love, commitment, and the meaning of family.
JODI - (Marlee Matlin)
An intensely talented and free-spirited sculptor, Jodi Lerner may be deaf but that doesn't stop her from speaking her mind, especially in the halls of the art school where Bette is the new dean and Jodi the new artist-in-residence. Indeed, Jodi is the first woman to challenge Bette, professionally and then emotionally as they fall into a fiery relationship outside of the university.
ALICE PIESZECKI - (Leisha Hailey)
Determined to broaden the relationship horizons of women everywhere, Alice launches her Chart on the World Wide Web. OurChart as it's called is a mega hit, proving to be not only a lucrative new business venture for Alice but also a gateway for her into unexplored solar systems of girls and unimagined sexual and emotional connections.
JENNY SCHECTER - (Mia Kirshner)
As a once struggling writer, Jenny used her pen to exercise childhood traumas and explore her evolving sexual identity. Now she's a published author — and convinced of her own artistic license — she decides to turn a more critical pen on others and go to duplicitous lengths to defend her work. So while Jenny's writing career skyrockets, it's not long before her relationships disintegrate, leaving her feeling a pariah among the friends and quite lost at sea.
KIT PORTER - (Pam Grier)
With a new album and a thriving business as owner of The Planet, Kit's life seems to be right on track. That is until her relationship with Angelica's nanny, Angus, is put to the test along with everything she's fought so hard to recover, including her sobriety.
HELENA PEABODY - (Rachel Shelley)
Cut off from her life of wealth and privilege and unable to hack it in the working world, Helena is an absolute wreck. Despite the generosity and heart-warming support of her friends, Helena finds a life of restricted means too unbearable and delves into a dangerous liaison in order to ensure her financial security.
MAX (MOIRA) SWEENEY - (Daniela Sea)
Never comfortable in his female body, Max is unbending in his resolve to transition. However, family members and co-workers put Max's emotional fortitude to the test as they struggle with or refuse to accept his transgender identity.

TASHA - (Rose Rollins)
As an officer in the Army National Guard, Tasha has seen combat firsthand. She's still grappling with a recent tour in Iraq when her best friend, Papi, introduces her to Alice. Although Tasha views her role in the war with a unique sense of patriotism and duty that Alice finds hard to accept, it's not enough to keep the unlikely couple apart.
Phyllis - (Cybill Shepherd)
Phyllis is Bette's boss at the university — a well-respected member of the academic community and devoted wife to an equally successful husband, Leonard, with whom she shares two college-aged daughters. It's a seemingly idyllic life picture and one that abruptly changes when Phyllis comes out as a lesbian and turns to Bette and her friends for guidance in finding love and dealing with the loss of the family life she once knew.

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My Blog

A few good stories from YOU!

Our friends at Girl on Girl publishing are interested in finding great stories from lesbian and bisexual women.  You can find their myspace page here: or their questi...
Posted by The L Word on Fri, 25 Aug 2006 06:32:00 PST

Sandrine Holt on the next L Word Season

HAS HELENA MET HER MATCH?33-year old Chinese American/Chinese Canadian actress Sandrine Holt, best known from roles in Resident Evil: Apocalypse and the last season of 24, is the latest actress to gue...
Posted by The L Word on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 11:35:00 PST

Marlee Matlin joining The L Word

Oscar-winning actress added to cast of Showtime's lesbian drama. NEW YORK - Marlee Matlin is joining the cast of The L Word, Showtimes drama about a circle of gay friends and lovers who move in the t...
Posted by The L Word on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 05:52:00 PST

BRING BACK DANA t-shirt and petition!

We have found a couple of websites to checkout if you are a fan of Dana Fairbanks: Bring Back Dana Petition Mercury44's BRING BACK DANA! t-shirt Have you found others?...
Posted by The L Word on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 09:01:00 PST