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When a law adversely affects a large portion of the populace, would this not make it an unjust law? This generation has lost it's motivation to stand up for what it believes in, what it wants to see done. Teenage voters are cast out as a minority, even though we hold the power to make quite a few politicians very uneasy, especially if, as a whole, we lobby against them, and their policies meant to limit OUR freedoms. However, I digress, this is not an attack on any particular senator, governor, or even our inept president. This is about changing a law which is only enforced by millions of dollars in contributions by Anhuesier Busch, and Phillip Morris. This is about changing the laws on marijuana.
But to understand why we are forced to petition in this manner, you must understand why marijuana is illegal. It's hypocrisy, really, and that alone should be reason enough to cry out an injustice. Marijuana is illegal because the government can't formulate a plot to tax is properly on it. Added to the fact that Alcohol and Cigarette companies believe it to be too great a threat to their profit margin, we are told by Big Brother which substance we can, and can not, put into our bodies. But that's not the end of the story.
Why is marijuana considered to be so evil by so many people? It's laughable, actually, because in the 50s, and 60s, the media and government collaborated in order to make it a taboo subject. Films such as Reefer Madness, The Devil's Harvest, and a slew of other propaganda was released, forcing the belief that marijuana (and this is where it gets comical) makes you psychotic, and deranged. One film (Reefer Madness) showed a man and woman getting high, and seconds later, he strangles her to death, and decapitates her. I don't know about any of you other marijuana users, but I havent strangled OR decapitated anyone after smoking a blunt to the head. Ripped apart a wrapper to a cheeseburger, perhaps...
And what about this myth that money used for marijuana supports terrorism. Hardly. The number one crop in kentucky is Marijuana. The Number two crop in Florida....is marijuana. The number 8 crop in Washington...is marijuana. I didn't know we housed SO MANY terrorists in these three AMERICAN states. But lets us actually, for a brief moment, actually believe these lies. If it's true, the only reason it DOES support terrorism, is because it's considered to be such highly illegal contraband. Imagine, if marijuana was legal, how would all these "shady people" make a living smuggling it into the country....when you could just have a corporation, an AMERICAN corporation, growing it. Their entire business would fall apart in days.
I could continue for days, explaining how this is a government policy made simply to keep the people with opinion that doesn't mold with theirs down, neutralizing them with meaningless misdemeanor charges simply in an effort to cripple their chances of having a respected voice, but that all will be explained further in the link i'm posting.
So what is the purpose of this essay you've just read? Myspace has become a kingpin website for the youth, the future generation, the unbiased generation. This generation, will elect presidents, senators, congressmen, mayors, and any type of governmental official in the years to come. However, we can not be swayed from our determination to see an antiquated law upheld by law enforcement agencies who concentrate on minorities, and even majorities. We are the oppressed, and we should not take this sitting down. That is why I have started this site below. Send a friend request....let's see if we can reach a million people. When we have reached a large number of people, we can show the lawmakers that we're serious in our determination to not just be extra revenue in their pockets. If Phillip Morris and Anheiser Busch want to stand against us, then we should boycott their products. Better for them to lose a percentage, than an entirety. This is our stand. We have the advantage african americans didn't have in the 60s: the internet. I propose we Mobilize, Organize, and Exercise our rights to demonstrate, and use our freedom of speech. I'm not telling you to do anything illegal, I'm only suggesting we band together to change something that is unjust. So...whose with us? - OuTSPoKeN LyRiCz Send a Friend Request!The goal is one million people. Help us meet it if you believe in our cause.