Screenprinting mainly. Survival is cool too.
Hmm.. how to put this delicately. Nice people who want some screenprinting done at a reasonable price. How reasonable, you ask? Well, since you mentioned it..A white tee w/ a one color print is only $3.50!A color tee w/ a one color print is only $4.50!
2nd color-$0.25
3rd- $0.20
4th- $0.15
5th- $0.10
6th- $0.05.Flip side is $0.50.
Sleeve- $0.50.Screen set up is a one time charge of $15 each.We also do cd-r printing and burning, one inch buttons(.25 cents/ea), stickers(1000, 2 color stickers under 20" only $173), and embroidery.
these are videos from bands for which we have done merchandise
So I Married a Screenprinter!, The Screeenprinter, Farenscreen 9/Printing, Debbie Does Screenprinting, The Last Temptation of Screenprinting, The Passion of The Screenprinter, When Screen Met Printing, Screenless in Printsattle, The Screenprinter of Notre Dame, Home Alone...Screenprinting, Reservoir Screens, Pulp Printing.
this is my favorite kinda tv
Tuesdays with Screenprinting, A Confederacy of Screenprinters, Crime and Screenprinting, On Death and Screenprinting, Death of a Screenprinter, Screenprinter on a Hot Tin Roof, Farenscreen 45printing, Brave New Screenprinting, Breakfast of Screenprinters, How to make Screens and Influence Printers, Screen: The Art of the Print, Screenprinters: Human Freaks in America's Gilded Age, Memoirs of a Screenprinter, Contact...with Screenprinters, Green Eggs and Screenprinting, One Fish, Two Fish, Screen Fish, Print Fish, A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Screenprinting.
All those soldiers who were lost in the fight for screenprinting supremecy
(the battle of rockwall).......
cleetus adrian, kyle grainger, malena lewellyn, matt eagan, dj, bobby dunavan, maggie donovan, will bennet, frenchy, tierney donovan, chris grant, angie wood, jeff chalk, chris johnson, steven agnew, jeremy, genevieve campbell, paddy donovan, bobby weaver, andrew snodgrass, richie lundsford, karen, jeff davis
(the kaufman crisis)...........
aaron bartz, danny beard, wade acevedo, kathleen fogerty, coly turnham, hannah, justin holcolm, ryan, marcus, david, jeremy,
kaleigh cates, kristen's ex-boyfriend, charles thompson, seth, kristen green, misty chapman, shandi means, ashley bonner, john, danny, phoebe schumacher, dylan o'riley, benjamin lande,
current valiant guerillas:
jonathan pool, nathena hampton, ryan sprague, halie schumacher, tierney donovan, royce pugh, jared shelton, nick kubica, jessica stroud .
oh and claifornia department of corrections and the billboard liberation front. for things like this