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I'm an outspoken activist and seeker of fun and adventure. I'm the girl dancing and hula-hooping at music festivals, driving the pickup in heels, camping out in the backcountry and tossing a frisbee around in a meadow. In winter I'm skiing, snowshoeing ... and I might still be throwing around a frisbee if anyone will play.A committed vegan as well as an Italian Sagitarrius New Yorker with an "ENFP" personality, I'm passionate and vocal about my convictions, but I also know how to kick back. I love good beer and throwing parties. I'm bored by the ordinary.I've spent the better part of the last 12 years working and volunteering for animal rights and currently am a volunteer at the House Rabbit Society, which I love. Professionally, I work as a copy editor at a great marketing agency.I'd like to travel the world ... and change it a little along the way. Or a lot.
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