Antonio profile picture


Ain't no party like my Nana's tea party

About Me

Fuck it, let us burn our lives into the ground, for our lives are worthless and no one will notice anyway. Let them burn and may the ashes make rich the soil. Sown will be the seeds of our skewed yet sincere ideology, and come spring pernicious flowers will dot the barren hillsides.

My Interests

It's pretty much rock n roll and walking to get coffee for me.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who ran away to join the circus. Luchadores. Someone who can get me on the list. Kind baristas who understand morning stuttering and hand signals. Naughty vicars. Rollerderby girls. Voodoo priestesses. A big bottle of bourbon. Your grandma's fried chicken. Your abuelita's tacos. Charles Nelson Riley.


Ramones, to the extent that I have a Ramones tattoo. I like Prince, Reigning Sound, Teengenerate, Black Flag, The Chumps, and The Bloody Hollies. Do you remember Rice? I liked them. The Dead Milkmen, The Deadly Snakes, Detroit Cobras, Devo, Dirtbombs and some other bands that start with D. I'm not above locking myself in my room with a stack of Jawbreaker records and listening to them in the dark. The Naked Cult Of Hickey. Los Abandon, Wolf Parade, I'm From Barcelona, a bunch of other stuff by foreigners. Magnetic Fields. I've also been listening to sad bastard music lately.


Anything not staring Gary Conviser lecturing about torts. Pirates of the Carribean. Death Race 2000. Airplane. Magnolia. Down By Law. The Muppet Movie. I also have George Lucas issues. If there is a Zombie in it I'll go see it at the expensive theater where you have to sneak beer in.


It gives me a rash.


I lean towards history kind of stuff and a little philosophy. I like Daniel Dennet. I like Richard Flannagan and Lewis Nordan. James Duncan. I seem to read a lot of Abraham Lincoln biographies. Douglas Adams cracks me up.


Joey Ramone, DeeDee Ramone, Johnny Ramone, Pancho Villa, people who can spell. El Cucuy!

My Blog

Where my coffee get's spent
Posted by Antonio on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 03:07:00 PST