bill. being in love. burt bee's chapstick. charles bukowski. coffee. comics. cuddling. diet coke. exploding dog. filmmaking. good hair days. gummi worms. henry rollins. hockey. holding hands. hugs, improv. kissing. mardi gras. molly ringwald. monkeys. open minded people. penny arcade. piercings. poker. quoting movies. rain. sandals. shameless self promotion. sinfest. sleeping.
people that aren't lame.
badly drawn boy. catch 22. coldplay. dave matthews band. gorillaz. justin timberlake. louis armstrong. lucky boys confusion. nine inch nails. portishead. regina spektor. sister machine gun. the ataris. the impossibles. the weakerthans. tool. weezer. wolfmother.
amélie. american history x. american splendor. boondock saints. borat. casino royale. donnie darko. empire records. eternal sunshine of the spotless mind. fight club. garden state. harry potter. hercules in new york. idoicracy. say anything. sideways. slc punk. the breakfast club. the notebook. the secretary. wonder boys.
adult swim. curb your enthusiasm. desperate housewives. family guy. iron chef. reality shows. rescue me. sex and the city. south park. that episode of saved by the bell where jessie's addicted to caffeine pills. that 70s show. the daily show. the simpsons. space ghost. supernanny.
currently reading Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides .