Movies, Music, travel, striking up the fiddle, venturing out amongst nature, soccer, adventuring, writing, dueling banjos.
Best album ever is the Tiny Tim Goes Metal to the Vibes of Ringo Starr Germany Tour, subtitled: Das is Good.
The Quiet Man, E.T., Raiders, The Bicycle Thief, Breaking Away, Goonies, Schindler's List, Braveheart, Goonies. I love flicks that give me the chills, choke me up, or give me an exploding smile.
Currently watching The Riches and Man vs Wild.
Dickens, Faulkner, Brooks, Crichton, Brontes, Uris, Tolkien, Lewis, Irving, Bryson. I read as much as I can: books, places, history, and people are the fuel for the imagination and for storytelling.