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Sandy We create our fate every day by the way we live so enjoy life and be a good person so that you

About Me

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My Interests

a glass of pinot grigio..... all of my family and friends..nothing is more important..(thank you god..i've been blessed..really) everyone else....well..

I'd like to meet:

all my friends out there:)......................


Pet Shop Boys, Peaches,Lily Allen, The Brazilian Girls, Beastie Boys, Nelly Furtado, John Legend, Nickleback, ..... a mess of everything...and of course the legend..peter p...(original 83 west founder!)


The Machinist, Shop Girl, City of God., SIDEWAYS.. ..


Six feet under; weeds; it's always sunny in philedelphia; CSI;


The Life of Pie is my all time fave..... I find it hard to find a book that truly interests me and peaks my emotions....and when it does....all women should read...The Lovely Bones"


makis and deborah u love that?jj;) mom and dad..the 2 best people i've ever met in my whole life....(no i'm not being biased) without them..there is nothing...............