Gilkayo profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

So there goes my life Passing by with every exit sign It's been so long Sometimes I wonder how I will stay strong No sleep tonight I'll keep on driving these dark highway lines And as the moon fades One more night gone, only twenty more daysBut I will see you again I will see you again a long time from nowAnd there goes my life Passing by with every departing flight And its been so hard So much time so far apart And she walks the night How many hearts will die tonight And will things have changed I guess I'll find out in seventeen daysBut I will see you again I will see you again a long time from nowMy body aches, and it hurts to sing, and no one is moving And I wish that I weren't here tonight, but this is my lifeAnd I will see you again I will see you again a long time from now

if a picture could describe my family...this...would be it. :(

My Interests

reading when i have time, spending money (but everyone likes that) meeting new peeps...i like people.


alexisonfire, the used, yeah yeah yeahs, theset, bleed the dream, like yesterday, dredg, glassjaw, emery, atreyu, sublime, from autumn to ashes,van morrison, the mars volta, at the drive in, head automatica,stutterfly, children of bodem, craidle of filth, pennywise, mindless self indulgence, REEL BIG FISH, metric, lamb, GOLDIE, evol intent, queens of the stone age, radiohead, taking back sunday, lovehatehero, sublime,from first to last, THRICE, thursday, bright eyes, alkaline trio, death from above 1979, at the gates, 3 inches of blood, bob marley, DALLAS GREEN, poison the well, ESTHERO, monty, the faint, tool, leonard choen, modest mouse,the flaming lips, 36 crazyfists,crowned kings, yuca, bloc party, ben lee, 30 seconds to mars, alexi murdoch, the cult, the cure, cindi lauper, fiona apple, imogen heap


...i love total recall! the fifth element, pulp fiction, blade runner, 1 hr photo, x-men(2), the first and only matrix, alice in wonderland, the shining, pretty in pink, flashdance, showgirls for that matter, blow, crazy/beautiful, rat race, vanilla sky, the others, the last castle, {proof}, 12 monkys, 28 days later, napolen dynamite, dawn of the dead, a clockwork orange, 25th hr, fight club, old school, the party, galaxy quest, toy story, the santa clause (1 and 2), - and that would be a short look into my small obsession with tim allen movies, residnet evil, the salton sea, spun, RFAD, id like to say i like trainspotting but i cant get through it dead babies are hard on my tummy, milo and otis, elizabeth( if you havent seen it see it) cube, the neverending story (pt 2 too), gattica, kill bill (but not 2), sin city,silence of the lambs, fear and loathing, .... dont forget the ring 2, troll 2 (yeah i sat throught the whole thing the first time around),cry wolf, legally blond (go team brent), harry potter (all of them),glitter, on the line, and you cant leave out sharks 3D, oh yes!


i really love clone high. THE OC is amazing! does anyone ever watch nip/tuck? i cant live without it. what about all those awesome cartoons on tv that they stopped airing...that sucked alot of ass...the old family guy cause the new one trys too hard and the rest are the regular shows. ya know...simpsons, the brak show, the oblongs, aqua teen hunger force, sponge bob square pants, behind the music


anything you read as a kid, anne rice, stephen king, george orwell, anthony burgess, lewis carroll, hunter s. thompson, j.k. rowling, christopher pike, marilyn manson, john wyndham, richard i trying to make some sort of politial statemen here? and whats with all these writers? im starting to realize why im so fucked up...


esthero, kate mulgrew (only a true hero would know who she is for sure), dallas green, goldie, lenoard choen, lisa lobe, stephen king, floria sigismondi all poets, all writers, anyone with talent and isnt afraid to hide it

My Blog


so after i took a look at how many peeps actually open this shit i decided i owe my readers a little lpvin. and im going to write.i have honestly had a total writers block when it comes to poetry ...s...
Posted by Gilkayo on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 11:37:00 PST

boob trouble

 so i started having awful pains in my boobs the past few months and i went to the doctor and got an ultrasound done only to find out that i have a cist in my boob that is...get this...4 mm big.....
Posted by Gilkayo on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 09:36:00 PST

its that blog time again.

ok so i guess i dont know really what to talk about...but here i am bored and writing a blog.i spent the day with brent today and that was a good ol time we got to turns out i dont know ja...
Posted by Gilkayo on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 10:19:00 PST

credit where credit is due

now i dont know if im just in one of those moods. but what it all boils down to is really knowing the true heros in your life...and right now id just like to make a shout out to one of them who may no...
Posted by Gilkayo on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 02:52:00 PST

alright. thats it! im MAD

i want to go to the fucking caribean and i want someone to fucking take me there. RIGHT NOW! im sick of this place and im leaving. and im taking my hubby with me. pack your sandals colin!...
Posted by Gilkayo on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 11:50:00 PST

offically the worst taste in movies EVER! how am i dating a director!?

So the coolest thing happened last weekend...I was driving in a car up to the middle of nowhere and somehow boobs came up. And what do you know someone makes a comment about some movie with the girl w...
Posted by Gilkayo on Sun, 28 May 2006 12:51:00 PST

post new blog...*click here*

it seems im totally sick and its all brents fault cause he called me when he was sick and got me sick through the other news...i had a nice conversation with the manager of lovehatehero today...
Posted by Gilkayo on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 12:46:00 PST

its that time again.

i thought that it was time for a new blog. so heres one in all its glory.doods and should stay off those crack rocks and try voting for the green party.on the other hand you prolly have...
Posted by Gilkayo on Fri, 20 Jan 2006 09:14:00 PST

all the words in the world

so i sat down this morning to write something about you and as i sat there an words came i realized how they really meant nothing. nothing compared to the words you tell me everyday. i cant even come ...
Posted by Gilkayo on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 12:32:00 PST


your sorry ass is asleep and im here waiting nicely.....for what...for you to get up at 230...and its now 3...poop on saaaaad
Posted by Gilkayo on Wed, 14 Dec 2005 03:00:00 PST