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In these dark and depressing days, the hearts of men and women need hope. They need a message that tells them they are not alone and their fight is not in vain. Despondency are the messengers of this hope. “Choosing the name Despondency,†explains front man Jesse Lenz, “was a way for us to summarize our lives without Jesus Christ, despondent and hopeless.†The message of hope and self sacrifice is evident in their music. “We want our music to relate to people’s everyday battles, but also be an inspiration to keep fighting and not to lose hope in God, ourselves, and our fellow men.â€
Self-proclaimed “West Virginia Custom Killingâ€, Despondency illustrates how one must die to theyself everyday to be able to make a difference. “Finding what is a hindrance in one's life and waging war against it is a process that takes courage, but our courage is what defines us not our short-comings†says Jesse in explaining the moniker. “Once we Die to ourselves, fear is replaced with purpose.â€
Despondency has taken message to the road for the past year playing as many shows and tours as possible. “We have been paying a lot of dues†says bassist Adam Bertram, “but it is worth every drop of sweat when we are on stage.†This sums up Despondency’s work ethic, they put everything on the line for their fans, “Their commitment and passion show when you see them perform live†says venue owner Dustin Turner, who has watched the band grow from the beginning until now. Despondency’s commitment level to their music and their fans is matched only by the intensity and emotion they emit from on stage.
“Despondency is a hard working dedicated band. It is only a matter of time now!â€
Once Nothing
Solid State Records
“Killer Songs! Aggressive and Brutal Melodiesâ€
A Plea For Purging
Facedown Records
“Despondency amazes me with great music and a killer live show! “
Our Hearts Hero
Gotee Records