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Greetings and salutations!

About Me

Please go to for more photography!
---- Favorite quote of late: Don't be content to merely survive. You must demand to live in a better world, not just dream about it.
---- TRAVEL: I'll be in Boston near the beginning of April, 2007, so I'm looking to meet new people up there to show me around during my 5-day stay. Let's grab a drink and talk about life!
---- I sit at home, night after night, feeling something, wanting something, knowing that somewhere there is that something that I long for but cannot yet grasp, cannot yet compose in my head: something without a face, something without a specific form, something with no construct or identity.
When dissonantly muted, jazz-like underground beats echo off the confining walls of my dimly lit studio apartment, they enter me, through each and every pore in my body they enter me, like an airborne virus determined to dizzy its prey, leaving its newly discovered host lost and searching for an outlet through which to express some new vision: a place brought to the imagination by said music; a place that stirs up feelings of loneliness, mystery and turmoil; a place that, somehow, instills a certain comfort to the mind.
This location, although within the realm of the mind, is intangible and inexpressible, at least for now. Unlike any normal place, this one doesn’t go anywhere. It has no set boundaries or limitations, yet you cannot get to it from where you are, nor can you get back to where you are from it. A description of the confines of, and feelings felt from this place seem possible, but through which medium? How can these visions be put down on a tear of canvas, in a series of photographs, or through a string of words?
Until I find what it is I’m looking for, I am forced through the power of music and unexplainable feelings and moods, to search for the end-all-be-all of my existence. I will not be able to rest until this ‘place’ has exposed itself, and has gotten a hold of me.
If that evokes any feelings in you, I'd love to talk. If you can decypher it and tell me what the underlying meaning is I'd like you to let me know, because I really don't know. :)
I don't feel yet that I've lived my life to it's fullest, but I intend to start doing that now that I've left corporate and started my own business.
I'm a night owl. Unfortunately my clients are not, therefore I force myself to get to bed at somewhat reasonable hours. I get most of my creative thoughts seconds after waking up. I do enjoy sunny days, however I'm more in tune with myself on gloomy, foggy, rainy days; unfortunately down here in FL, it doesn't rain all day, but intermittently. Perhaps I'm best suited for Seattle.
I like to write, and read. I love jazz clubs, although I haven't been to a good one in a while. I love to cook when I'm cooking with or for someone. I hate bars where you can't hear yourself think! Strip clubs do nothing for me at all: paying naked women to make you think that they're into you - give me a break! Hate potholes, slow drivers, slow walkers. Love early mornings, although I hardly ever see them. I am very outgoing at times, and very quiet at others. I prefer a gathering of friends at someone's house more than going out to bars. I hate cover charges when there's nothing going on inside. I French press my coffee. I'm always looking to meet new people, go new places, and experience new things. I enjoy a good bottle of Chianti or Cab with extra sharp cheddar & Breton crackers.
--You could be anywhere when your life begins.--

My Interests

Photography (, animation/motion graphics, tennis, running, piano, cooking, wines, writing, travel + photography - so if you ever travel with me, expect to stop a lot for picture taking. I still enjoy a good video game from time to time. I am a 100% straight male, however I do not follow sports, I hate loud cars, and I don't get excited when there's a keg at a party. I like quiet bars where you can talk and still have your hearing and voice at the end of the night;

I'd like to meet:

Creative people, uncreative people, people, anyone!


jazz, Diana Krall, swing/standards, abstract beats, trip hop, Kosheen, Supreme Beings of Leisure, Tori Amos, Dido, 80's, classical, old school rap; basically anything but country!


Horror flicks - good ones! One Flew Over The Cookoo's Nest, Wonder Boys, Pulp Fiction, Jerry Maguire, Men At Work, Office Space, Wall Street, The Shining, There Goes The Neighborhood, Good Will Hunting, The Family Man, Ferris, Section 9, Scent Of A Woman


My TV is only for watching my sad and small collection of movies or Netflix rentals. I have no cable or satellite. Surviving without this ammenity allows me to experience life first hand a bit more.


Fahrenheit 451, baby! Burn them all!!! Just kidding. I don't read that much unless it's industry specific photography stuff.


My mom and dad, without a doubt.

My Blog

Cabo Day 2 (updated)

Will write more later; but what I can tell you now is this: Our 14 passenger plane left around 1030 flying right into a feeder band of hurricane Paul. Excellent. So after about an hour, rain starte...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 07:40:00 PST

Cabo Day 1

Upon arriving 2+ hours after almost everyone else, I found myself forced to grab the nearest taxi from the Cabo San Lucas airport to some place on my itinerary called Pueblo Bonitos Pacifica. An hour...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 08:00:00 PST

Lazy Hunger

It's 3pm, and I just woke up. It's too bright in my room to sleep, and too hot to not sweat. My stomach growls with hunger, yet I'm having trouble mustering the energy to drive a few blocks for frid...
Posted by on Mon, 29 May 2006 12:22:00 PST

Working for yourself...ahhhhh!!

ZZZZZZZ - Ehh - Ehh - Ehh - Ehh - SMACK - THUMP - ZZZZZZZ... It's so easy to do that in the morning now that I don't have to answer to anyone but myself. Don't have to worry about being late for work...
Posted by on Wed, 03 May 2006 07:43:00 PST

My New Bed

After years of tossing and turning on shitty mattresses, I made an executive decision, for the good of my spine, to purchase a real bed, with a real box spring, and a real bed frame.  In the past...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Christmas in the Air

Being so wrapped up with three jobs and school, I hadn't realized that Christmas was so near until yesterday. Sitting down to enjoy a Stouffer's Lean Cuisine lunch, because 'Nothing Comes Closer To H...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST