I am a DJ/Producer/Remixer of electronic dance music. Apart from that, I really have no life. Seriously. But if you're too lazy to read my bio, then you can kiss my ass! Read the 1st person bio @ www.coachroebuck.com . I'm pretty good at telling stories...Get the Coach's music at:
www.grooverocket.comHe's funky. He's fresh. So fresh that instead of calling himself a DJ, he calls himself a Coach. Now that's funky fresh!The season for Coach Roebuck began in Charleston, West Virginia. A buzz began to spread from West Virginia to other regions throughout the East Coast. The buzz resulted in gigs from Chicago to some of the most unlikely places.Coach Roebuck has been both entertaining and inspirational in his passion of funky house music. The combination of hot mixing and a slamming track selection hits the senses and sends the listener into a feel good frenzy. The temptation to dance while listening to the Coach's jams is unavoidable. All of the elements have made the ingredients to attract a lot of attention in such a short time.Today, Coach continues to slam the funky filtered house mix sessions. In addition, he is exploring the genre map, fine-tuning his original music. The Coach has not officially toured but has plenty of experience on the ones and twos, pushing the envelope playing everywhere from college house parties to popular clubs. Future calls in the Coach's play book include several releases, remix projects and touring in order to help promote house music.