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We love our kid, our four kitty cats, music, beer, tattoos, gaming, video games, comics and related collectible crap, sci-fi and comic conventions, renaissance festivals, all things horror, and all that normal geeky stuff. Yes, we will proudly admit that we are geeks! Since we both have had paranormal experiences in the past, we have become interested in "ghost hunting" has proven to be a very interesting hobby.
We love to spend time hanging out with friends at a pub and checking out local bands and going on family vacations with the kiddo.
Our idea of the ultimate romantic evening is to curl up on the couch at home and watch some sort of horror/slasher/zombie flick where people are being torn apart and blood is splattering everywhere or to kick some zombie ass or kick each other's asses playing video games. Ah, that's love.
We also enjoy reading, drawing, writing, making jewelry, crafty projects and working on DIY projects around the house!
Eric works for CGC, a company that grades comic books. He gets to go to comic cons around Florida and gets paid for it...and Renee gets to tag along for free! Paradise for a couple of geeks like us! Renee helps rich people get divorced. It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it!
Here we are zombiefied by the great Dave Cook !
We already have the greatest friends in the world. Yet, it seems like wherever we go, we always meet new people and make new friends.
Not to sound like assholes, but if you are a MySpace friend whore wanting a huge amount of "friends" and more attention than you're really worth AND most importantly if you don't know us or don't have anything in common with us, don't bother with the friend request will only be denied! If you're a band...we'll definitely give you a listen!
FLOGGING MOLLY is our all time favorite band...but we invite you to grab a pint, sit back and relax, and have a listen to our music player!
Anything by Tim Burton. Anything starring Bruce Campbell or Christopher Walken.
We absolutely LOVE horror movies especially old cheesy horror movies, new horror movies and of course, classic horror movies. We also enjoy sci-fi movies, big epic fantasy movies, Chinese martial arts flicks and we even like SOME of the comic book adaption movies.
This is the best movie ever made!
Eric's favorite musical is
Renee's favorite musical is
We both love
GHOSTHUNTERS!! We love those TAPS guys! We also love anything on Discovery Channel like Dirty Jobs, The Deadliest Catch and Mythbusters!
How about fave authors instead: Neil Gaiman, Clive Barker, Terry Pratchett, James Clemens, J.K. Rowling, D.H. Lawrence, Rick Dakan, Andrea Dean Van Scoyoc, Maurice Sendak, Shel Silverstein, Roald Dahl, Robert Aspirin, Robert E. Howard, Spider Robinson, Douglas Adams, Cornelia Funke, Dean Koontz, and many more. If it's horror, sci-fi or fantasy, we'll read it!
Renee's Dad, Eric's Mom. We miss you both very much.