Salsa/Swing/Hip Hop dancing, Tae Kwon Do, Kickboxing, Sparring, Skydiving (when I can afford it) Snowshoeing, Hiking, Biking, Running, pretty much anything fun that ends in "ING" and that gets me up and movin'. Health, Wellness, I LOVE LOVE, Speaking my mind and my heart. Pretty much all sports. ATV's, 4wheel"ing". Getting dressed up, sometimes for no reason at putting heels on when I vacuum... I'm very crafty and like to build book shelves. Landscaping, Construction, I did framing and finish work for a while, I miss it a lot...especially tile and grouting, that's fun. I sing, (high saprano/saprano/alto) mostly in the shower these days, but would love to get back into something other than my tub to sing in, like a church choir, only, I don't go to church. Anything crafty and artistic, I love a good roller coaster and yes I love tattoos. And oddly enough I like to change the oil in my car for kicks...weird? maybe? I'm a girl who likes to work on my car, cuz I know how to... and to get messy really.
Anyone who treats others the way they like to be treated; with respect, love and kindness always...oh, and Robin Williams and Lucille Ball, from "I love Lucy", if she were alive today.
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Girly Myspace Comments
I like and listen to pretty much every genre, except not too much country. Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson are GRAND! I have wanted to learn how to play the banjo since I was young....for jokes! I don't lie. My likes are too long to list and my dislikes run the same length, There's some amazing music out there outweighed by a bunch "o"'s a few I like, Zap Mama, Ben Folds, Dismemberment Plan, DeFacto, Paul Oakenfold, Ben Christophers, DJ Danger Mouse,Fiona Apple, Jurassic Five, Tool,Frou Frou, Fiest, Swollen Members, Tricky, Chopin, Mozart, Mustangs and Madras, Bjork, Sigur Ros, Modest Mouse, Cafe del Mar (all), The Postal Service, STP, North Atlantic, Queens of the Stone Age, NIN, Radio head, Rob Zombie..and I once heard "Rockin' the Casba" in Arabic, I like the Arabic version way more. Some all time favorites that will never die..Beastie Boyz, De La Soul, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Journey, David Bowie, Frank Sinatra, Prince, Christopher Lawrence, Tribe Called Quest, Dead Prez., AC/DC, Metallica, Aretha Franklin,Queen, Led Zeplin, Pat Benetar, Louie Armstrong, House of Pain, Madonna, Rage Against the Machine the list goes on and on and on... And yes...I still listen to really bad long hair rock bands like, White Snake, Twisted Sister, Quiet Riot, Motorhead and Judas Priest..I just dig it, I still can't tell you why.
I'm a nerd for any documentary that involves animals, nature, anything spooky, weird, exciting or socially enlightening and educational. The Planet Earth Series & Blue Planet are jaw dropping every time... Some others: Office Space, Old School, A beautiful Mind, Amalie, Flight of the Navigator (yep, that's right!), any Muppet Movie that exists, 300 was a damn sexy movie, The Princess Bride, The Usual Suspects, The Ring (just for the scene of the girl in the closet, and for the scene in the well when she gets the little girls wet hair wrapped around her hands...reminds me of public swimming pools, the nasty feeling of getting someone else's hair wrapped around your fingers...yuk)......there's so many it's hard to name them all...For some strange reason I think I've watched Weekend at Bernies more than any other movie in my entire life...and will probably watch it a few more times before I die....not because I like it, just because it's on.
"GET OFF THE COUCH !!!".......I don't have TV, but I use to watch Fraggel Rock as a kid, so if they still play Fraggel Rock....I may get TV again for that reason and that reason only.
Everything real and factual that I can learn form. -CUNT by: Inga Mucio (if you're a girl, you have one, I suggest you read it! / if you're a boy, you probably want one, I suggest you read it!), US Army Survival Manual (the best gift i have ever received...I can now make a raft out of branches and leaves, Almost every Nutrition, Health, Fitness and Herbal text I can get my hands on, I like Astrology, I believe in it and like to read about it as a hobby, oh! and the Dictionary (which seems to go un noticed these days...yes it still does exist, I promise, I can show you one.) Thesaurus is good too. I tend to start a new book before finishing the's a problem I need to work with.
Every one of my family members! ...and I secretly think my, now 23 year old, cat is a super hero of some sort, that, or he's in the mafia....I'm hoping for the mafia...and Vinny Bear is my every day hero.