Bringing down Bush, Helping the poor of Argentina and elsewhere, establishing a world government, kicking out the British trash, and crushing capitalism.
Christian Dior, Peronists, Facists, Communists, Socialists, Natianalists, Sepretives, Isolationists, Imperialists, Expansionists, Revolutionists, and Capitalists who are not Republicans and whoam staple a check along with their add request :)
I have little time for Music but I love Classical, Female Vocals, and anything that is not Rap (We in South Amerca look down on Mexico and don't want that to be the sterotype for us European-bread Latinos).
They made a few on me, but I was never a slut like that Madonna nor was my life really like that.
New to me, the poor could use these too.
I like Arianna Huffington. I also like taking from the Rich and giving to the poor. Unionize!
I am currently fighting for equal rights for all, including gay rights because we are all God's children.