My Blog
Update: 5/04/07; Songs.
I'm learning them, be patient.Wait, what am I talking about? No one cares about this. Ha.Later.
Posted by The Red Spectra (New "songs" up) on Sun, 06 May 2007 08:28:00 PST
Update: 03/14/07; New Songs! OMG!
Yes, I have 3 new songs...which translate into 2:30 (right on the dot) of music. Yeah! Short and simple.I don't want to convert them in FL studio, because, there are some higher pitched chords that do...
Posted by The Red Spectra (New "songs" up) on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 09:45:00 PST
Update: 2/18/07; I'm So Awesome, Here's Why!
It seems as though I got rid of the TabIt file for Ghost Seatbelts!, so that means that it must be re-written.Fucking awesome.[END]
Posted by The Red Spectra (New "songs" up) on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 11:41:00 PST
Update: 2/18/07; Rabbit Bodyguard, New TRS Song, Merging Of Styles?
Rabbit Bodyguard is essentially The Big R (check previous entry for info!) minus Miguel (of Mecha_B.E.A.R. fame), who is actually living in California at this current moment. Yeah, I know. It's pretty...
Posted by The Red Spectra (New "songs" up) on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 09:39:00 PST
Update: 1/22/07; GABUGABU Discontinued, The Big R Launched, CDs I Bought, etc.
GABUGABU will be discontinued...or at least, that's what it looks like.I really don't have much more to want to imput into that project, well, not now. I mean, I'm not getting rid of the profile...I'm...
Posted by The Red Spectra (New "songs" up) on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 12:43:00 PST
Update: 1/04/07; Japancakes.
A guitar and bass demo was recorded for the song Japancakes. A special thanks goes out to Dave Sohmers, who busted some serious ass and learned the song in about 15 minutes. Hell, I didn't even learn ...
Posted by The Red Spectra (New "songs" up) on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 09:41:00 PST
Update: 1/01/07; Happy New Jeer.
First off, Happy New Year.On to the good stuff.So, yeah, on Wednesday, I might try and get the new version of Japancakes (no major changes to any of the guitar, mainly I had to recreate drums for it) ...
Posted by The Red Spectra (New "songs" up) on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 08:22:00 PST
Update: 12/29/06; Meaningless Entry. Sorta.
Yeah, so, I still don't have a PC, so writing new music via TabIt is completely out of the question. Currently, I have my friend's iBook G4 laptop in my possession (thanks Dom!) so I can go online (.....
Posted by The Red Spectra (New "songs" up) on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 04:33:00 PST
Update: 11/03/06.
As of right now, I am going on hiatus until I get my computer back up and running (it's down due to a possible virus).
If I can't recover my files, I don't really see the point of contiuning this.
Posted by The Red Spectra (New "songs" up) on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 10:21:00 PST
New music. Sorta.
The Red Spectra has some new music done, it's just not up. The Red Spectra's sources are assisting The Red Spectra get his music out there and it's taking a little longer than originally expected.The ...
Posted by The Red Spectra (New "songs" up) on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 01:03:00 PST