the Mayan culture they say the dream and the waking life are joined in the wings of the butterfly!
the depth and openess of my heart, our heart.
im learning to listen, to really hear... its teaching me the sound of patience
our thoughts create our experience = movie?
Non-Violent Communication, Being Me Loving You, The Hidden Messages In Water, Crossing Into Medicine Country, The Heart of Healing, River of Renewal, Jitterbug Perfume, Ethnobotany of the Karuk, Black Elk Speaks, We're All Doing Time, Ethical Leadership, Guest Workers or Colonized Labors: Mexican Labor Migration to the United States, Turning the Mind into an Ally, Outlaw Bible of American Literature, Everything is Illuminated, Outlaw Bible of American Poetry, The Five Wisdom Energies, Silbey's Guide to Birds of the West, Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior, The Wisdom of No Escape, Dharma Gaia, The Family of Man, Pablo Neruda Poems, The Way of The Peaceful Warrior, The Prophet, Education of Little Tree, Adrift, Dharma Bums, The White Boy Shuffle, Siddhartha, Tao Te Ching, Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience, The Giver, The Stranger, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Conciousness in Action, My Side of The Mountain, Good Night Moon, The Lorax, Guiness Book of World Records 1998, This Place on Earth, Said the Shotgun to the Head, Walkabout, To Kill a Mockingbird, Zen Mind Beginners Mind, My Journals
those who live for the eternal