ONE DENVER profile picture


About Me

ONE Denver is a movement of Christians that desire to come together as the greater body so that the love of Jesus may be revealed in a powerful way. Through networking, worship gatherings, service projects, and special events, church communities come together as "one". As we come together we are fulfilling Jesus’ last prayer for us to be a unified witness to the world. Understanding Jesus’ prayer is what drives the commitment to participate in the greater community. We are confident that the powerful expression of unity will reveal the love of Jesus Christ to Denver and the metro area in ways that have yet to be seen.

"My prayer for all of them is that they will be one, just as you and I are one, Father; that just as you are in me and I am in you, so they will be in us, and the world will believe you sent me" - John 17: 21.......

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

A Night For Community with "Small Voices for Africa". A benefit for Cornerstone Children's Home in Sudan!

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Volunteer Opportunities/Needs

Confluence Ministries:

City Park Arts Festival – August 11th All day event
Needs: Volunteers for sound setup, Artists to do an art booth and display their work

AIDS Walk – September 9th 6am-11am
Needs: Volunteers to help pass out bagels and balloons to those in the Walk as an encouragement.

Race for the Cure in Colorado Springs – September 9th
Needs: Volunteers to pass out water to those participating in the Race & encourage them, Volunteers to setup music stage

El Grito Festival (Mexican Independence Day) – September 15th
11th & Santa Fe
Needs: Volunteers to setup stage & band, People to do servant evangelism

Race for the Cure in Denver – October 7th
Needs: Volunteers to pass out water to those participating in the Race & encourage them, Volunteers to setup music stage

Thailand Mission Trip – December 28th-January 12th
Needs: Worship team & ministry team to encourage Frontier Missionaries

Contact: [email protected]


Sox Place is in need of Christians mature in their faith who have a heart felt desire to serve God by volunteering time to become a mentor for one to two street youths. Also they can always use the following: white tube socks (large), winter gloves, winter hats, coats, blankets, sleeping bags, personal hygiene products, food (canned and boxed), and prepared meals.



Parent Pathways is looking for people to help serve teen parents and their families. Some opportunities are: Thanks Giving Baskets, Giving Tree, Sponsor-A-Family, 5K Run/Walk, and Mentoring. The girls and their families are in need of some love and care, especially love and care from the Lord.

Contact: Laura D. Nicholas, Special Event and Volunteer Coordinator, [email protected] , 303.321.6363 ext 208


Global Refuge International (GRI)

Bring hope to the hurting in person—Serve Overseas with GRI in 2007: Northern Uganda Sept. 15-29

Approximate cost: $2,600

Serve in a variety of roles in IDP camps in northern Uganda alongside the full-time GRI team. Share the love of Christ with victims of a 20-year war through medical clinics and various outreaches. Medical and non-medical workers needed.

Northern Thailand Nov. 17 - Dec. 1 Approximate cost: $2,100

Prayer walk in a completely Buddhist region, build relationships with refugees from Burma, and share the love of Christ with victims of one of the world’s most repressive regimes.


Are you intrigued by other cultures you see in public? Do you often wonder what it would be like to see how they live in America? Have you thought “maybe they don’t know Jesus?” GRI has been working with refugees right here in Denver for about six years now. We call this the Welcome Program, and we need your help! We are mainly involved with Burmese (the Karen people) and Somali refugees. A volunteer working in this program would have a chance to serve in various ways on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. The purpose of this program is to see volunteers become a part of a refugee family’s life, being their link to our culture, language, and religion. These families have to adjust to American food, American transportation, and the most obvious issue, English — the not-so-easy-to-learn American language! If you would like more information about this program, contact Nicole Hollis at [email protected]


Colorado Environmental Coalition has number of volunteer opportunities for their summer events. Contact Courtney at 303-405-6705 [email protected]


Auraria Writers for Peace

You are the key to ending the war in Northern Uganda. I am not asking for your money, all I ask for is your time. We will join together, in one voice, on the 21st of each month to write letters to our senators and president demanding they open their eyes to the conflict unfolding in Uganda. Email me at [email protected]

Auraria Writers for Peace on Facebook




Those who want to post volunteer opportunities or events please contact: [email protected]


One Denver Sponsor


Contact us if you would like to become a sponsor of One Denver.

Special Thanks to: Brent and Anna. They have been intergal in coordinating efforts and giving ONE Denver a face in the community. They will be getting married this September and then moving on to travel to Canada, Holland, and South Africa to do mission work for the next year. Brent has been investing his skills in producing ONE Denver media (newsletters and posters). He is currently a full time school leader for YWAM Denver. Anna was a key piece in coordinating events and organizing volunteers for ONE Denver. She is the full time community services liason for YWAM Denver.

Wow, we are into our 4th issue of the newsletter! This means that we are over half way through the year. We have done some awesome things: Global Refuge – benefiting children and families in Thailand & Uganda; Displace ME – being a voice for child soldiers and displaced families in Northern Uganda; Riot Poem – benefiting JFCI and children who are being trafficked in Thailand, and now Burn 24-7! Be sure to read about how we are partnering with Burn 24-7 and check out some great photos and videos of all we have done. Thanks for your commitment to unity and city transformation in Denver Metro. YOU are truly making waves and creating change!


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BURN 24-7: Worship and prayer 24 hours, 7 days a week…

Worship, what is it? Why do we do it? The fact is that we were made for it. Intertwined within us is the desire to love with depth and passion. There will always be something that we direct our passionate love towards. Shoot, we can’t help it! We love Football, NASCAR, Rock Stars, Movie Stars, Politicians, and the list goes on. I think we all know this about ourselves and we have heard these things referred to as “idols”. It’s easy to idolize. There are so many things in this world to idolize, to worship. As Christians wouldn’t it be nice to say that we have an unquestioning, uncritical, profound love and admiration for GOD? Because if we were to be honest I think that we might say that this kind of worship towards God is lacking?

Here’s the deal. I’m not saying all this to make us feel bad, so before you throw this out, my hope is that it makes us think about what we worship? Even if we weren’t Christian, is it really beneficial or satisfying to worship something or some god that doesn’t love us back? God loves us. He loves everyone unquestioningly and uncritically.

So my invitation is to come back to what we naturally love to do and that is to worship the God that profoundly loves us. Weather we know Him or not. God invites us to dare to be vulnerable before Him. He dares us to turn to Him and give all that we are so that He may in turn poor extravagantly into us.

Burn 24-7 is the feature of this newsletter and they invite us to worship with God in such a way that “Burns”; that “forsakes all normalcy, apathy, and culture for the very heart of God.”

Burn 24-7 is an organization loosely made up of passionate worshipers around the world attempting to make prayer and worship something that happens “24” hours a day, “7” days a week.

Their vision is “to see entire cities, regions, and nations BURN before the Lord in pure worship and intercession until He comes. To raise up entire communities of lovesick worshippers and artists, unrelenting and passionate intercessors, and faithful followers of Jesus Christ that cross denominational lines and ethnic boundaries; a unified body seeking the Glory of the Lord.”

We at ONE Denver can’t argue with this. What an awesome vision!

So we will do just that. Back to the roots of ONE Denver! We will have a ONE Gathering and “Burn”! Also we are lucky enough to have an awesome band lead us. Among The Thirsty from Clear Water, Florida are traveling through on their summer tour and have graciously offered their services to us.

Among The Thirsty has had the privilege of sharing the stage with great bands such as: The David Crowder Band, Third Day, Downhere, Skillet, Casting Crowns, Paul Wright, Barlow Girl, Big Daddy Weave, Fireflight, Seventh Day Slumber, Manafest, Echoing Angels, Bon Jovi, New Song, Building 429, Grits, Tree 63, and Krystal Meyers.

“Our purpose is to present a unique style of the Gospel to the world through our music. We strive to live a life that is worthy of God's presence, and to proclaim the Majesty and Holiness of Christ with our gifts. We make a strong effort to be straightforward with the gospel and not be timid when sharing the Good News. May we constantly thirst for His presence.” – Among The Thirsty

Please come experience a night of refreshment and passionate worship with Burn 24-7 and Among The Thirsty on Friday, September 14th. (Time and Location to be determined)

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Global Refuge International: Benefiting children and families in Thailand and Uganda.

March 22nd we hosted 200 people at the D-Note in Arvada. Global Refuge presented their mission and we heard four awesome bands share their music: Bela Karoli, Jacob & Lily, Aaron Strumpel, and Kate Hurley. We raised $700 that evening and experienced an awesome night of community.

Displace ME: Coming together to be a voice for child soldiers and displaced families in Northern Uganda.

April 28th we worked with Invisible Children to organize 3000 people for a night of displacement in Denver Metro. We were one of 12 sites around the nation. We hosted a volunteer training for about 40 volunteers with Confluence Ministries and YWAM Denver donated time, resources, and 100 volunteers to help make Displace ME happen.

If you are unable to view this video, click here .

Riot Poem: Benefiting Justice For Children International, working to stop sex trafficking.

July 21st we partnered with artists of all kinds to raise awareness and money to “Stop Child Sex Trafficking” in Thailand. Riot Poem released their first shirt, “Stop Traffic” by Hicalorie, which kicked off their mission to sell t-shirts to raise money for social justice issues by using donated art from artists. Entities such as Arvada Vineyard, YWAM Denver, Faith Bible Chapel, Mental Health America, and Safeway stepped up to donate time, resources, money, and volunteers to make this awesome event happen. We hosted 300 people and raised $3,000 for JFCI.

If you are unable to view this video, click here .

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Our "Events" section is designed to make our readers aware of what is going on in the Denver Metro area. ONE Denver does not necessarily endorse each event listing, but desires to help you get involved in our local community.


Colorado Prayer 2007. A gathering of 1,000 prayer warriors and intercessors to repent and pray for the city of Denver, state of Colorado, and our government leaders.
Date: August, 10th, 2007
Time: 6-10pm
at the Denver Coliseum or call: 303-979-5551


Health Festival August 11.

The INVISION/Sally Jobe Breast Center in Littleton is hosting a free Family Health Festival on Saturday, August 11, 1pm - 4pm. Join us for free osteoporosis heel screenings... Great food, prizes & kids activities... Instant scheduling for mammograms... and More! Find more information and reserve a screening time in advance at



Old South Pearl Art Walk: The eclectic shops and galleries on South Pearl Street do First Friday in style; take a stroll to find one-of-a-kind oil paintings, first edition books, and fashion-forward jewelry, then top it off with a great meal at a Denver favorite on Pearl.

WHY: Culture cravers who know every nook and cranny of Santa Fe will dig the change of scenery; kick off the first weekend of the month in a different 'hood this week.

Graze while you gaze: If dinner isn't in the cards, restaurants such as Hanson's Grill and Tavern, The Pearl Street Grill, and The Duffeyroll Café have doors open and apps waiting for your tasting delight.

DETAILS: Fri 4–8 p.m. Old South Pearl Street, Evans Avenue to Buchtel Boulevard. Call 303-282-7777 or visit


Denver Botanic Gardens – Colorado residents can enjoy a special free day at the Gardens (August 13) and DBG Chatfield (August 3) thanks to funding from the SCFD.


Manual High School needs you to volunteer during the week of August 4 on a variety of projects from painting, to landscaping to graffiti removal and more. For more information and to register, please visit


Seniors Inc is selling fresh tree ripened peaches from Colorado’s Western Slope as a fundraiser. For more information, visit


Community Sailing of Colorado in partnership with Majestic View Nature Center invites you to discover nature while skimming the water. For more information, please visit


The DU Women’s College and Women’s Vision Foundation are offering two one-half tuition scholarships to The DU Women’s College for classes beginning this fall. Application deadline August 16.


Institute of International Education presents Ambassador Dennis Ross who will address the Denver World Affairs Council, Wednesday, August 8 at the Brown Palace Hotel. For more information, visit


The Denver SCORES Cup will be on Saturday, August 11 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Broomfield County Commons Park. For more information, visit


Gilda’s Club Denver presents Straight from the Farmer’s Market, an evening of fun, food and wine presented by Gabby Gourmet and Roth Distributors on Wednesday, August 15 from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m


Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) of Denver invites you to attend the 2nd annual Rainbow of Art Auction on Sunday, August 19 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Hotel Monaco, 1717 Champa Street.


Colorado Planned Giving Roundtable’s 19th Annual Summer Symposium will be held August 22 & 23. For more information and to register, please visit


Helping Hearts and Hands hosts FIESTA on Thursday, August 23 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at Jose O’Shea’s to celebrate their work.


The Colorado Women’s Lobby invites you to join them for Wise Women and Wine, a garden party at the Lumber Baron Inn, 2555 W 37th Avenue on Thursday, August 23 at 6:00 p.m.


Allied Jewish Apartments will host its 36th Chai Anniversary Celebration on Thursday, August 23 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For more information, please call 303.399.1146.


Come play in the 9th Annual Camp Wapiyapi Volleyball Bash on Saturday, August 25 in Washington Park. For more information and tournament registration, please visit .


Free resume writing seminar for nonprofit job seekers on Thursday, August 16. Create an effective resume that is designed to impress nonprofit employers. Visit for more information.


Jimmy Lakey presents…

AUGUST 18 - Passion Conference & Sixsteps Recording Artist CHARLIE HALL with special guests Kate Hurley & Aaron Strumpel at Vinelife Church/Boulder. Tickets at & all King Soopers stores!

NOVEMBER 8 - CHRIS TOMLIN & LOUIE GIGLIO! Cherry Hills Church 3900 Grace Blvd * 80216


The Remedy Club Tour featuring DAVID CROWDER BAND with special guests Phil Wickham & The Myriad Wednesday, October 24

7:00pm The Fillmore Auditorium Denver, Colorado



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Global Refuge International Pete Wentzs = Invisible Children


My Blog

JULY 21- DETAILS: Riot Poem: benefiting Justice for Children International

Artists and musicians are coming together from around the city to present an evening to benefit Justice for Children.This will be held @ Digital events (3881 n. steele street, denver 80205). When you...
Posted by ONE DENVER on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 01:00:00 PST