Manhattan-based drone-rock duo comprised of vocalist/guitarist Lawrence Chandler, a former protege of minimalist composer LaMonte Young, and vocalist/bassist Martha Schwendener. Originally a three-piece rounded out by a series of drummers, Bowery Electric bowed in 1994 with a double seven-inch on their self-owned Hi-Fidelity Recordings which helped land them on the indie label Kranky, which issued their self-titled debut LP in 1995. With 1996's Beat, the duo's swirling, chaotic sound began to incorporate elements of the electronica movement; a subsequent series of 12-inch remixes by the likes of Disjecta, CHASM and Immersion further solidified their new affilation with electronic music, as did 1997's remix collection Vertigo. The long-awaited Lushlife finally appeared in early 2000.
My Interests
Member Since: 2/17/2006
Band Members: martha schwendener - bass, vocals, keyboards; lawerence chandelier - guitar, keyboards, programming, vocals
Type of Label: Indie