This whole MySpace thing is kind of new to me, so hopefully I am doing this right.
I was recently the victim of scientific experimentation that left me with serious mental problems, several new body parts and the diseased heart of an 80-year old man. I've also got a bunch of new tattoos and a black (african-american) arm. I guess that qualifies me as multiracial, but they didn't have that as a check box on the MySpace profile settings. I've got other... parts... too. But I'm not sure if I should write about them here.
And my face, yeah, it's pretty messed up. But it's healing. I just don't like people to see it. People look at me funny anyway. And they always ask about the arm. I try to stick to long sleeves even in hot weather.
Other than that, I am just a regular guy, trying to put his life back together. I like to hang out at the bowling alley and knock back a few beers. I'm a pretty good bowler. I also really like old video games, particularly Centipede.
I'm not complicated. I just want to live a quiet life. I have been through some crazy shit and I am ready to put all of that behind me. I've got a great girlfriend and things are going pretty cool.