Frank profile picture


Wanna bowl?

About Me

This whole MySpace thing is kind of new to me, so hopefully I am doing this right.
I was recently the victim of scientific experimentation that left me with serious mental problems, several new body parts and the diseased heart of an 80-year old man. I've also got a bunch of new tattoos and a black (african-american) arm. I guess that qualifies me as multiracial, but they didn't have that as a check box on the MySpace profile settings. I've got other... parts... too. But I'm not sure if I should write about them here.
And my face, yeah, it's pretty messed up. But it's healing. I just don't like people to see it. People look at me funny anyway. And they always ask about the arm. I try to stick to long sleeves even in hot weather.
Other than that, I am just a regular guy, trying to put his life back together. I like to hang out at the bowling alley and knock back a few beers. I'm a pretty good bowler. I also really like old video games, particularly Centipede.
I'm not complicated. I just want to live a quiet life. I have been through some crazy shit and I am ready to put all of that behind me. I've got a great girlfriend and things are going pretty cool.

My Interests

Bowling, Centipede, Firearms, murdering any re-animated bastard who crosses my path

I'd like to meet:

The evil bastard who did this to me.


Jimmy and the Teasers, The Alpha Rhythm




Davinci Code, Fantasy novels, The Holy Bible


David Beckham

My Blog


It turns out getting into Mexico wasn't so tough. The flow of people in both directions was pretty non-stop. We had a few minutes when things got a little iffy, but once again, Claire's cleavage came ...
Posted by Frank on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 07:01:00 PST

I'm moving

Good news. I have decided to finally move out of this dump. Owen has been bugging me to move in with him ever since I got back. We were roomates in college and it was find except he always gets stoned...
Posted by Frank on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 12:48:00 PST


Hiding out in my motel room has given me a chance to really get caught up on tv. Right now, I'm kind of hooked on Jerry Springer. I used to watch this back in college, but it has really changed. Now i...
Posted by Frank on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 12:45:00 PST

My bad neighborhood

So I've been staying in this pretty shady motel for the last month or so. For obvious reasons, I have been trying to keep a low-profile. The good news is that the pain is pretty much over with -- the ...
Posted by Frank on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 12:40:00 PST