Nude Twister. Motorcycles and waves. I also like me a cold whipped cream shower. Anything that's "skaties" and Midnight Riders.
a midnight rideing partner who understands the open spaces & the stars. a punk rock girl who stands her ground & speaks her mind ? L.A.T. is the dream!
The Clash, Bob Dylan, The Stones, The Pogues, the Replacements. Everyone else can die.
Apocalypse Now, Diner, Blue Velvet, Old School, Jackie Brown, DOLAMITE!
Law and Order, Elimidate=I'm on one now.
Anarchist's Cookbook, Boys and Knitting, Sewing 101, Machineist's Handbook, Why Men Don't Need Women; Left-Handed Love
Mark, Bannanas, Schuler, Jason Jetski, Art Coleman, Mommy, Billy T, and all the others who have rubbed the tank with me.....