Zeanie profile picture


Dream Big. Dare to Fail ~Zean E.

About Me

I spend most of my time on three things: business, hobbies, and friends & family.

I've been a business consultant for small to mid-sized companies. Mostly I join the business as a partner or consultant, managing the business in administration and accounting. I often get heavily involved with sales and marketing as well. In doing so, my multi-lingual and multi-cultural ability and heavy web-based experiences come quite handy. Oh yeah, I do translation and web-site design too for this reason. (Got a job for me? Contact me !)

I am a dancer, a fisherwoman, and runner. I have been a dancesports competitor now trying to go back (yeah, at this age). I have been Swing and Mambo dancing for 20+years. Maybe longer; I lost count. I often teach and coach dancing and also hold free event to promote and support partern-dance in the community.

I am a director of Dancer's Digest ( www.DancersDigest.com , StreetSalsa.org ) and also a manager of a couple of Latin dance, music, and arts events; One of them is Salsa Extravaganza aka Palm Springs Salsa Congress ( SalsaExtravaganza.com ).

When I am not working or dancing, my time is spent on reading and listening. I love books; who doesn't?

Be my friend and talk to me. I would love to get to know you.

My Interests

Web Site Design & Building, and Helping My Clients
My passion, my love! I have accounting, education, events & conventions, and business development background. I know what I am doing, and the gratification and sense of achievement that I share with my clients are invaluable.

Partner Dance
Ballroom, Salsa, Swing, and various partner dances. Something that keeps me sane.

Language & Culture
I love it so much that I got involved in translation projects since 1984. KoreanEnglish.

Networking & Promotion
There are so many people in this whole-wide world. Shouldn't we get to know each other... even if it may hurt us?

Others, but not the least
Whiskey Sour, making things happen, wrestling with my dog, reading, staring at things that move, wellness and health activities,joining membership sites that I do not visit for months

I'd like to meet:

    Positive thinkers. Pro-active doers. Activity Buddies. Someone who knows that everyone is different, and that's what makes us united. Someone who can appreciate and apologize.

About Approving "Friends Requests"

It is likely that I will not approve "Friends Request" with "Spam Networkers," i.e. commercial-purposed MySpacers. If we are here tonetwork, let us put a little effort to actually get to know each other a little bit. I prefer to get to know you rather than filling myspaces with meaningless profiles. Thank you in advance.

About Approving "Comments"

It is likely that I will not approve "comments" with commercial interst. If you want to promote and advertise your activities,please kindly email me. I will support you through my email list.

About My Email List - Sign up, please!

My email list is NOT for commercial. I seem to project professional appearance with everything I do, so many peoplemisunderstand my intention. I assure you, my email list is strictly for not-for-profit and personal.


    Privacy guaranteed. I do not share my email list with anyone. Period. Strictly opt-in. Only you can subscribe to my email list. Unique & Resourcesful. You will not be bombarded with redundant email.


No spam. No redundant info. Rarely an email that you have already received from someone else. My list will be somethingunique, something new, and resourceful. I also coordinate network activities that you can feel comfortable should you decide tojoin.

So when you receive the email from me, you will not want to ignore it and delete.


It means that your email will be read. Do you know how many of your subscribers actually open your email? I do. :) More than87%. 87% is the lowest it went down in early 90s.

Send me your stuff. I'd be happy to include it in my next mailing. I have a HUGE email list. Most of them are active danceenthusiasts, health and wellness enthusiasts, professionals in the industry, and corporate decision makers.

In return, please arrange special deals for my subscribers and my affiliates who will also send out what I send them. Coupons,guest list, special seats, barter service, or whatever. Offer me something. I am not interested in monetary compensation. Dosomething for my subscribers. Motivate and inspire us to attend your functions. :)

Please do not expect to receive huge response from my email list without giving us good incentives. Sending out an email alonedoes not do anything for your business. Persuading will. So persuade us.

Oh, leagal blurb: I reserve a right to edit or not include your messages, depending on its nature, content, date, and spacelimitation.

"So, how do I subscribe to your email list?"


I have three types of list.
    All Dance News - all types of partner-dances Ballroom & DanceSports - all types competitive and social ballroom SwingScene - East & West Coast Swing and often, Lindy Hop and related StreetSalsa.org - Latin, Mambo, Salsa, Argentine Tango StreetSalsa.org for Koreans in Greater Los Angeles - StreetSalsa.org in Korean language for Korean speakers
Click here to visit the subscription page .I am in the process of revamping the page, so the temporary site I uploaded is crude. Please pardon the plain page and use theform. Include your name, email address, birthday (for legal compliance), type of newsletter you want to receive, and the city &state you live in. The rest of them are optional. This specifics will help me not to send the information you wouldn't be interested in.Subscribe NOW .


This is the list based on the region.
    San Fernando Valley & Santa Clarita Valley (aka "The Valley List") Ventura County and Santa Barbara (aka "The Ventura List") Los Angeles Orange County Anywhere in the US International (aka Anywhere-in-the-world list)

The web site is currently down while I am revamping it. Please click here to email me a subscription request . Specify your name, email address, birthday(for legal compliance), type of newsletter you want to receive, and the city & state you live in. This specifics will help me not tosend the information you wouldn't be interested in.


Baroque, Modern, New Age, 80's Rock, Latin, Waltz, Opera, Latin beats


Girls Gone Wild. Gone with the Wind. Gone.


CNN, Weather, Arirang


The Bible, Good to Great, Built to Last, Woman - Intimate Geography, Angels and Demons by Dan Brown, U.S. News & World Report;, Arts of the Personal Essay, Harry Potter


God, Jesus, Moses, Josette, Laurent, Richard, Charles, Jay