Kris profile picture


All this abortion talk's got me super wet

About Me

I currently have a job as a Computer Technician that takes up about 40 hours of my life per week, and that's all I will really say about it. I don't love it, don't hate it. It's just a job. Sounds riveting, I know. I could spend minutes talking about it, but I won't bore you. I spend some of my time playing and recording music with 2 bands: The Caterpillar Book and Ippazzi. Unfortunately, it's just a small part of my time by comparison. Most of the rest of my existence is spent alone, taking long walks in the park,, enjoying bubble baths, watching silly movies that a 36 year old man shouldn't be watching, and occasionally downloading porn. Not the snuff variety, just run of the mill girl on girl, guy on girl, in and out type stuff. Incidentally, everything after the wedding band part is made up; I figured most would stop reading after "Computer Technician." Except the porn part. That's true.

My Interests

Music; creating, playing, listening. The Tennessee Titans and New York Yankees(a distant second). Golf, not really an interest, but more of a money-sucking, frustrating waste of time. Road trips with friends...after they clear it with their wives and children.

I'd like to meet:

Murl Hawkins


PJ, Peppers, Toad...I'll look through my ipod another day.


Scarface, Goodfellas, The Godfather(all of them, man, all of them), The Departed, American Gangster...anything gangster, cause I'm gangster. Believe it.


Curb Your Enthusiasm, Extras, Arrested Development--got in on that one after it was canceled, Family Guy, even though they like, totally ripped off the Simpsons, man, and it's so stupid, man, what, a talking baby? That would never happen. So stupid, man. Simpsons. They are the Rosetta Stone of cartoon families, man.


How to Become A Disgruntled Computer Technician In Just Under 6 Years, How to Become a Disgruntled Inside Sales Representative in Less Than 6 Months, How to Become a Frustrated Musician in Over 15 Years, How Stella Got Her Groove Back(it is a book), actually, that belongs back where I said I like to watch silly movies, just insert that there.


The entire cast of Jackass, Eminem, and the New Pope. I always thought Old Pope tasted better, but New Pope looks like Dan Akroyd in "Nothing But Trouble."* *See: My Pics