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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My Karma: - Online Karma Test Click Here! Lisa, Your Karmic Alignment is: Zen Intuition!
Score: 19 You have a direct perception of truth. You are very keen and don't use it to take advantage. When you commit positive deeds, you don't do them to get ahead, you do positive deeds simply because it makes you feel good. Your intentions are almost always meant well and all this positive karmaic energy is bound to come back to you in a great way!
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Vanilla soy latte's and ciggies while driving with the windows down and listening to throw back tracks, decent people with kind hearts, my loving family, my amazing and loyal friends, my comfy home, shoes, music, laughter, cool days with the windows open, Oprah, honesty, sarcasm, and more. Very true of me...Sun in Aquarius: In this lifetime you are very much concerned with what happens in the world, the larger sphere outside your own immediate personal concerns, and you cannot separate yourself from the issues and challenges of your generation and society as a whole whether you are active in politics, community service, organizing and managing groups of people for a unified purpose, promoting new concepts and innovations which will affect many people's lives, or simply living your life in a socially conscious way. You need to be involved in influencing the larger social fabric of which you are a part. Thus, Lisa, you tend to look at the broad canvas, the political, social, or group context of any problem or situation. You foster a community spirit, a sense of connectedness with the rest of the planet. .........(Big Sigh, there's more)................When Lisa was born, the Sun was in the Sign Aquarius, the Rebel, the Genius, or the Exile. Lisa's basic sanity and vitality depend on a constant diet of experiences that many people might consider strange, eccentric, or at least grossly impractical. The key here lies in the realization that every culture, society, and family is inherently conservative, an observation which typically applies even more stringently to sub-cultures -- try being a hippie with a crew-cut, a New Ager who doesn't think "organic is better," or a rapper with the brim of her cap facing forward! Add one more point: for Lisa, the experiences that are inherently invigorating and meaningful happen to be ones that are culturally encoded as "a little weird." So: the saner she becomes, the more unusual she will look! It's as simple -- and as complicated -- as that. There is so much potential for questioning and doubting all the "received wisdom" of the world in Lisa that she will either trust that path no matter where it leads her -- or wind up releasing that defiant energy in pointless ways: various symbolic rebellions, icy emotional detachment, and general contrariness. Naturally, anyone who is wired to understand her is not going to be someone of a militantly, nervously conventional character! No such person could follow Lisa very far down the road of her free-spirited, independent destiny.

My Interests

music, travel, photography, reading, learning, laughing, motorcycles... umm okay cooking and board games too, I'm a self proclaimed geek!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone in the music industry, people who are genuine and interesting, individuals who are open-mined and "bring something to the table" so to speak!


Yes please, LOTS!!! WAY too much to list!


My parents and sisters

My Blog

My Birthday or not

Update - I lied Okay not really I just have to postpone this trip.  The band couldn't work it out to get a date on my Bday weekend =(  God love em' they tried (at least that is what they tol...
Posted by LiSa on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 10:04:00 PST

Words of Wisdom for 20-Something's

I think we can all relate to some aspect of this...thanks Tori! Being Twenty-Something They call it the "Quarter-life Crisis." It is when you stop going alongwith the crowd and start realizing t...
Posted by LiSa on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:36:00 PST

I <3 my mo!!!

In an e-mail from my mo (mom) today...  Subject: Looks like you found your calling Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Intelligent, original, progressive, humanitarian and visionary are all qualities th...
Posted by LiSa on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 02:32:00 PST