_Misz.Jamaica profile picture


Th3 MiSz of Jamaica But unLike the othersz' who tryiin 2 b disz on3 cumsz' NatruallY!!

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♥Melissa Allyson♥ Named From Birth: Melissa Date of birth: Jan 27 91 Born:Jamaica < J.A >About MehSo0 yea!! Basically im 15 Til disz Saturday Yesz Sir ya grl isz goin to b [16] Yup!! so0 dont 4get 2 get @ ya grl wit sum b-day commentsz but yea ....im a sophmore at that so0 called saint school called Sandalwood My fav color isz blue the best color there isz and ever will b ..LoL im Taken yes!! by my sexcii Puerto rican Huszband we have been goin out 4 almost 4monthsz and i feel like i have known hiim for 4 yearsz he'sz 1 of the best thingsz in my life at this point..Love you baby ..But yea so here it isz i get lotsz of friend request & i love gettin new people on my myspace but if u not goin to say nuttin watsz the point of addin meh' and 4 the grlsz who add meh Yesz i kno the reason why most of u do0 But yea so str8 ^ if u add meh state ur purpose cause dont add meh just to b f'in Noisy..!!! Cause i dont got time 4 the Hatersz .. WeLL enwaysz yes i am a 100% Jamaican Grl & I Love it!!im not mixed wit anything and No!!im not or any type of hispanic just full 100% Jamaican Hate it or lOve it doesnt hurt my feelingsz at All...Shout Outsz!! Yes every1 knosz da diffrencesz between friendsz and associatesz so i just wanted 2 let the my real tru friendsz kno dat i love em' 1stLyPHTM'3 who r my nest friendsz in which i stay hangin' around Pauleen Hasheah Tara Mariah and Melanie ..i Love you guysz and will alwaysz love you!! My twin TaTY i call thisz gurl my twin cause we got soo0 much in common Yes we do0 i love u twiny!Da guysz man i got mad friendsz dat r boysz and there cool pepsz' ..LoL who r alwaysz there when i need em' the most Josh i just started gettin close wit but love em' to death hope u and hasheah's rela. work out!! Quinton aka Ruler ..LoL Kelvin Dat puerto rican boi Jorge yupsz..Horace aka Horay even though i haven seen u in like 4 ever & miss u lotsz Al My Jamaican brother ..Tony My real brother Love hiim so much Roo my Hatian ...And theresz a whole lot more but thesez r the ones im close wit and i kno will b there no matter wat ...Love yall3monthsz 24dayszSo thisz is hiim it took a while but i found hiim yes sir no longer lookin or in need he givesz meh everyhthiing i could ever want or need ...hes my friend when i need sum1 2 talk to hesz my brother who takes up[^] 4 meh when no1 else wilL but most importantly hesz my huszband ...!! & I want hiim 2 kno dat wateva happensz ill alwaysz b there for hiim Love you wit all my heart and more .... Est:Sept292006: blue; font-family:Monotype Corsiva;" LEFT" width="100%" scrollamount="35"Misz.Jamaica

My Interests

My Lykesz OMAR Jamaica Musiq Blue PHTM'3 Lip Gloss cellie Max LiL FIZZ GeL..LoL number3 Myself..LoL *Aquarius* Myspace Disz Lykes Fake Jamaicansz Hatersz Players 2faced friendsz Noisy people unfaithful boyfriendsz

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My MusiQ 1st Time Young Joc featurin' Marques It aint nuttin like the 1st time ...Show u i can blow ya mind Baby if i touch u and kiss u again cause ..it aint nuttin like the 1s time..!! Just bumpin' my music


Herosz ♥ My parentsz are my tru herosz who get meh through thingsz that no1 else could Love em to death ♥ My Puppy Princey i love hiim 2 death even though hesz' a lil unstr8 LoL ♥ Omar my sexcii puerto rican huszband that i can tell anythin' 2 and kno i wont hear it from sum1 else i love him so0 much its unreal

My Blog

Sept 29 06

To: Omar ii love him soooo0ooo MUCH..! He meansz soo much 2 me so much dat hell neva kno cause my wordsz could never express 2 him the way I feel about hiim everything he doesz for me is just so crazi...
Posted by _Misz.Jamaica on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 01:59:00 PST


HEY!!!! wellz yall already kno bout my wifey's//bestest friends dat i luv to death....phtm'3...sexcii// (pauleen//hasheah//tara//mariah//melanie//melissa) We formed the group at sandalwood in the year...
Posted by _Misz.Jamaica on Sun, 21 May 2006 06:41:00 PST